Best ways to communicate (effectively) with your higher self?

Wow, that’s some valuable info; I’ve never tried Lady Eva’s advice, but it seems quite solid, I’ll definitely take a look into it. Thanks, man!

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Yeah she has that reputation for a reason. :slight_smile:

Insider secret… Abraham is an Adversity to oppression and being kept asleep/ignorant. They told me they also call themselves Satan (title). You know how Satan hides in plain sight…?

if you want, i could give you some basic instructions on how to interact with it. these methods work even when trauma or inballance blinds you.

but they work only as much as you make them work. they are simple tools.

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I would certainly love that, Odd!

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@OddEmanation hope you are still there… can you share the instructions if possible?

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sure, if you and @Ra-zha are interested :man_shrugging: i wouldnt mind sharing that

I am interested…
I thought you already shared the methods with @Ra-zha.