Best thing Azazel has done for you

I used to cut myself to. I also had fairly big creatures attached to me but I didn’t find out until much later. I never thought about it like that.

Cutting oneself is making a blood offering to the beings that are messing with you. Might even create manifestations since you are making a blood offering to the negative emotions that you are experiencing.

That makes sense. Thank you for sharing @rin .


Yes! That is exactly what he taught me. You got ittt

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I’m glad to see other’s experience with him since he popped into my life semi-recently.

I don’t have anything to add other than he is persistent and seems to have the effect of making me feel like I can handle things better. I’ll be crazy stressed and feel like I’m drowning and then I’ll feel Azazels energy around and suddenly I’m like…" Ya know, I got this". Ill feel like shit and then suddenly feel more like myself.

I haven’t invoked him or anything yet. His Sigil and whatnot keeps popping up regardless. Almost like he’s saying " I’m imortal. I’ll wait. Don’t think I’m going anywhere silly human". I don’t even know how to talk to the guy or what to talk about. Other than cut it out with the ropes :roll_eyes:


I will tell you In my experience he says so much with so little words.


I dont dislike the guy but I don’t know if we will click. We will see.


Interesting question @ElectricDragon. How do people experience a time frame in a request? And how do you ask that? Mostly I forget to do it. But can you say or write, ‘Could you make this happen in a month?’

Have any of you given him a specific task to accomplish with a time limit?
_ What was the result?_

Azazel gets along with every one. It’s actually really annoying sometimes tbh. I’ve got no doubt that he’ll like you.


Ha ha ha ok then. I guess there has to be some reason why he decided to pop in.


I’ve been beginning to notice he pops in at random, turns someone’s world upside down and makes them wonder why he came. Knows how to make a girl feel reaall special.


One experience I had with Azazel is one I’ll never forget. I was frequently having my insanely depressed episodes, and that day it was terrible. I was crying in the bathroom floor for at least an hour.

Then, I said “No, I need to call for Azazel. I will never stop believing and trusting in him.” I allowed him to do anything to help and even possession. He then tried possessing me and getting me to ground. Tried getting me to shower, but I didn’t want to, so he actually got me to go outside.

When I was outside, he told me to look into the woods. When I did, I saw lightning bugs. He says something like “I know you like those little things.” Seeing one of my favorite types of bugs and and hearing what he said put a smile on my face. After that, he was comforting me. Pep talking me, and hugging me and giving me a few kisses on top of my head and forehead.

He’s truly amazing. Our bond did grow more that day. I didn’t give up on him, and so he certainly pulled through. There’s no telling what could’ve happened to me if he didn’t help… The pain was just indescribable, but he healed a lot. I love him truly.


He hasn’t turned my world upside down yet. Lol. But I’m already wondering what he’s up to. I get that spirits want companionship but there’s gotta be an angle. I just haven’t found it yet 🤷

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That’s so sweet.


^^^ Knows how to treat a girl(RE3 post) He turns everyone’s world upside down. In one way or another. Just a matter of time.


What do you mean turn everyone’s world upside down?

He makes an impact. There’s no way you can be In his presence and not be impacted. For some he may give knowledge and power never before experienced… And for others well, he’ll steal your heart. Maybe even both.
He is a dark kind of holy.


That seems to be his intent with me.




Yeppp. I wish I would’ve done that but it’s too latttte. Save yourself! Haha being in love sucks. It might be the worst.


LMAO that’s so true. Just get 5 cats and be the neighborhood crazy lady running around talking to things others can’t see wearing kitty-hair covered robes.


Lets say there is one event on a specific day, you need to be outside of your country on that day. Could he pull it off?

Also, if you dont give timeframe, how will you know if the magickal working was successful or not?
Lets just say you asked for a car, it will materialize after sometime, how would you know how much is this sometime? how long would you wait to get that car?

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@ElectricDragon Still depends on what you want and if you can hear spirits is my opinion. Spirits like Azazel and Lucifer can pull much of. So if you would ask this, they most of the time are going to answer you with yes or no. I had that with Sitri. And i will think you will get a sign (seeing the change). Depends on your question.

Although i think it works differently. You want a car. Firstly you need resources where the money comes from. Say you got a job or a rich family member. It could be that those resources are chosen.