Best offering for seere

Any idea ? Guys …
Thanks guys…
Help much appreciated

I gave him chocolate once. I believe white white also works for him. Blood, sexual energy and praise are usually common “good-for-all-spirits” type of offerings, but not all the time.

You should look on the internet or use your intuition, see what you feel like giving him. Many times the spirit communicates through our intuition

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how you give Spirit a sexual experience / orgasm? At the climax, just say his name ?

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Hallo, have you ever seen the offer like a chocolate to had disappeared? I had last time offer a chocolate and the next day (I think that the some energy of it had taken) gave it to a dog who met on the street to don’t throw it in carbage, what are you doing?

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First of all: chocolate is toxic to dogs, please don’t do stuff like that :+1:t2:
Second: please do a proper introduction, its part of the forum rules

Ok thank you, at least the chocolate was dark with less sugar and good quality and better for a hungry dog from nothing I think but don’t answer me what to do with the offers if they don’t disappear, can I let them in the nature for example at a forest than the carbage ?

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Dark Chocolate is the most poisonous of all to dogs. It’s not sugar - it is theobromine that is harmful to them. Even a small amount of dark chocolate can kill a large dog. It sounds like you had good intentions, but yeah be careful.


Ok Sir I don’t know that I will not do it again, I love the animals, have a good night


Okay. You seem to care about dogs which is good, so just wanted to make sure you knew. Chocolate, grapes, any kind of sugar free food/candy (which contains Xylitol which is a poison to dogs), and food with large quantities of vitamin D (dogs have low tolerance for D).

Now back on topic, I’m curious about popular offerings for Seer as well. I’m planning on evoking him tonight, so this is good timing.

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