Best Entity for Writing University Papers?

Hey guys,

I’m curious as to whom is your go-to entity when it comes to writing University papers? I’m thinking about working with king Paimon or the demon Caim to empower my writing. I have a number to write over the next couple weeks, so any advice would be appreciated!

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Well, I have experience with that. Lots of it actually! I suggest King Paimon and even Thoth.


I’ve used King Paimon to enhance my uptake of info while studying. The most noticeable benefit was that I felt drawn to study more. I.e it appeared I’d cast a mind manipulation spell on myself.

What are your experiences regarding using his power to aid writing?

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The whole process was enhanced. I wanted to study more, I was able to write better, I got some neat ideas and I also had the desire to perfect everything I made. Which actually worked really well!

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Thanks I’ll definitely look into utilizing him for this!

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The best entity is yourself.
Do your own work.
You’ll never become a God by asking daddy.

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Fair, but (and I may get some flack from this) I do view the goetic entities as aspects of the self. So I don’t tend to view it as supplicating, rather than directing ones focus and power towards an aim and allowing reality to shift.


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