Best demons to approach for passive income?

I’ve worked pretty hard at trying to build a passive income stream but no luck yet, even after 3 years. Can anyone suggest which demons are best to approach to get help with this matter?

In case you’re wondering, it’s a youtube channel with a Patreon attached to it.

Please use the search function.



Thank you

I would go with Claunek. He is more business oriented than Bune. If you want to create a passive income stream, he is the one to work with. He isn’t about the quick bucks, but slowly building up your base into what you want.


The God of Wealth :heart: Mammon :heart:


The stock market


Thank you, will look into him again

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Claunek, a demon in the sign of Virgo. As a Virgo myself, I’d never want to be subjected to a Virgo’s judgement, so I’ll respectfully pass on that one.


What about when you have already built the stream? Like the OP I’m in a similar situation. Built my software and looking for subscribers… I can easily cater to 5-7k subscribers per month at which point I might need to look into hiring a team.

I know that King Paimon and King Clauneck are helpful in creating a business strategy, but what about bringing in actual buyers? Who is the one for that? Or would Clauneck help there as well?

I’ve been thinking about Mammon too lately, but I do have a fear holding me back as he is said to turn your life upside down. Should I go with him? Would he still beat you into the ground if it isn’t needed really? Or is Bune or Clauneck safer to go with?

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To bring in paying customers, Bune would probably be your best bet. She can work in tandem with Claunek.

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it’s interesting some people refer to Bune as she. I also envision her now as a dark brown skinned female with long black hair, and a light hearted smile. I wanna try harder to envision her, to see her


I’m not sure when that trend started, but I think it’s generally a new thing, influenced by someone’s UPG. Few, if any, magicians outside of this forum refer to Bune as female.

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I wouldn’t think too hard on it, I’ve had an angel appear to me as an African man, and several Loa who are described by the majority as African have appeared to me as white, European or French. I imagine there are some other factors, including they can pretty much take whatever form they want, in addition to what you expect to see, that effect what you do see.

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As someone who works and has steady passive income, id say check out GOM magickal cashbook, i use it regularly to great success (couple hundred extra a week) with website and ebay sales.

*edit to add it does take time to establish a solid passive income stream, it also helps to do research upon who has deep pockets for nonessential spending. I found mine in targeting gen xers, who like swords and sorcery fantasy and want to relive nostalgia.

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I feel bad for all those people who wanted to have big parties, but aren’t going to because of COVID. Maybe they could buy us all some freedom respecting software game mods.

Np being mean. See u have belphegor as u username, belfegor will give i insight in bussines etc. Good for while, but its steps. Someone say paymon clauneck do the strategy, now u need rolling, someone also put extaueing i tink to increase internet sales, i probably smoke my area, ok sage or similar, take a spiritual bath and, try, Lucifer, luzbel astarot, etc. U should chk the secion on money here a guy has to sell something and wait months, but he did, lots of advice there