Best books on servitors you have ever read?

I know a few but, in your opinion what are the best books about servitors you have read?

This one gets recommended on here. I learned how to make servitors from people’s posts on BALG, I never actually bought any book on it. I find it’s an intuitive process and it’s best to make your own anyway.

More results: use the magnifying glass at top right with different keyword to refine the search and see other ideas. On a new thread you might only get ideas for newer books, but older ones are good too.

Other keywords to try: thoughtform, egregore, tulpa.


Personally, I like Brand’s book (referenced by Mulberry) and John Kreiter’s various books on the subject. I tend to use Brand’s method, but incorporate Kreiter’s charging method during the gestation phase. I have also started adding some elements of Keteriya’s methods.

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I think Taylor Elwoods methods are closest to my own, overall. I didn’t read his book until shortly after figuring out the base I’d what works for me- but it’s solid work, and very similar to my own if I remember correctly.

He covers things I forget- like checking in and see what the servitors need in addition to what they normally do.

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