Benefits and Dangers of Invocation

Hello. Newbie here. I would need some advice and guidance from people who have done invocation. I haven’t tried it ever. I have only evoked.

I would love to try it but first need to understand what it is. So when you have done it what have been the benefits and dangers, what happened after in your life? What effects did the invocation have? Who did you invoke and why? How do I invoke succesfully and in a smart way so I don’t get hurt? Thanks!


Invocations goal is ultimately partial possession. Invocation is generally reserved for spirits that we have a more intimate working relationship with. You don’t want some rando taking your body for a spin. However always make sure that you have a good rapport first. The purpose of invocation is to add a spirits power to our own for the purpose of spell work, or to learn more about a given spirits dominion or essence by merging with the entity for a short time.
Contrary to what many preach, invocation in my opinion, is a more advanced practice then evocation. Invocation leaves a mark on you every time you do it. It changes your energy to match the spirit you are invoking over time. So if you are doing heavy self work, and want to change your own behavior, then do invocation, not evocation. In invocation, spirits are like our role models… who do you want to be like?
I invocation is also damn useful for self healing. As the spirit is directly melded with your energy, so they can make whatever changes they need to make you whole again. Is it dangerous? If you are reckless with it and just invoke whatever comes around then yes. But if you want to work very deeply with one spirit in particular, then no.


In truth an invocation can be as simple as a name drop during ritual. “…in Satan’s name…” is an invocation. anytime in spell work we are using power that is not our own, is technically invocation. Under these parameters, I can’t count the number of invocations I have done… but when it comes to deeper work… I can count 3 spirits. Asmodeus, Hecate, and Lucifer.


Well I work with Lucifer and he has been very responsive and kind with me so far. I have only worked with him for 3 months. I would like to invoke him to learn from him. I am very lazy and scared to go for my musical goals and new work and in general lack the poise and confidence to demand opportunities. I think invocation could help me rid myself of some of these aspects that hold me back. What do you think?

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@ChiNami When working with Lucifer, the only thing you have to fear is yourself. He is great for self reflection and shadow work. He can help you see your own worth like few others can. If invocation of any being will help you to see yourself in a new light, it is Lucifer!


good luck! :wink:

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Thanks. Yeah I think I need to do this. I am not adraid of him at all. I trust him.