Believe it or Not!

Believe it or Not!

“Every system of thought and understanding stems from a number of basic postulates about the universe and man’s relationship to it. These ideas and assumptions go to make up the paradigm or dominant worldview through which a culture or an individual interacts with its universe. Aeons are marked by the passage of various great metaphysical thought paradigms rather by the passage of set periods of historical time. Within each great paradigm there will be lesser paradigms which contribute to the whole. For example, in the dominant White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant culture of Europe and America, the main paradigms are Protestant-Atheism, with its dependent paradigms of liberal humanistic individualism and the work ethic, and science with its dependent paradigms of causality and materialism.

“Other cultures have had, and still do have, completely different worldviews which it is difficult for an outsider to enter. The Universe (being the accommodating creature that she is) will tend to provide confirmation of any paradigm one chooses to live in. We are, to an extent, an observer created-universe.”

                           Peter J. Carroll Psychonaut (1987)

The above words altered my life, back in the days before the internet. The late Magician Peter Wright and others hounded me to obtain and read Liber Null & Psychonaut. It was whilst reading that volume that the two above paragraphs assaulted me. From that moment on I have been involved in learning and in at least two, concrete and fundamental ways, applying Paradigm Magick in the real world.

Back then I began examining, adopting and consciously using paradigms. I had studied politics at university and was already interested in religion, but I started privately studying advertising and propaganda. I concentrated on tobacco and alcohol advertising, particularly cigarettes because that’s pure advertising.

I learnt the importance of misdirecting energies, repackaging what is already believed but with added horror oblique enough for others to fill in with their own sordid details and flesh out via their inscrutable obsessions. This black propaganda has already infiltrated beyond western politics. It’s results remain amusing and sad.

Soon paradigm will be crashing and that fundamental, foundational pain will manifest as energy. Learn how to easily harvest and direct it now because there’ll be so much to play with later on. Imagine a society where there are no stray dogs and cats, pets or zoo animals and where prisoner eat each other. That’s Venezuela now! Imagine Xtian countries like Italy (Catholic) and Greece (Orthodox) where the suicide rates across all demographics have drastically increased. All this and more is soon coming to where you live. Believe it or not!


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Hey, Mediterranean mañana breeds disaster! Mote it be! Gimme those months of bleak frosty grey skies and the desolation of churning industrial machinery, de-icing car windows, snow, lager, drab efficient anal tax collectors and car factory smoke… with meatballs

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I didn’t choose the left hand path. My life followed patterns which led me to where I’m at and what I’ve already become. I can easily engage in Magick without interference because the masses adhere to a materialist, scientific, ‘if I can’t see it, touch it, hear it or taste it - it doesn’t exist’ paradigm. ‘Sweet! You keep looking that way and leave me alone over here.’

There’s a lot of Magickal skills you can hone on the streets: from chanting to forcing the person a couple of places ahead in the queue to turn around. After that concentrate on more than one head. (Try hard not to laugh when their heads turn. It’s best to quickly look elsewhere.) This is the power of projection. I use horns coming out of the sides of my head and these shoot a ray at the back of my target’s head. Silver or purple horns and rays work for me. The more you practice the easier and quicker it gets. The more innate authority you command.

About seventeen years ago I used to lecture outside of Australia it was to several hundreds (about five hundreds or more I think) at a time. Fortunately I’d already learnt how to draw in their energy and project it back to them – stronger and stronger with each pass and more in control with each wave. Those were great times.

The Taro is all about energies as well. That’s what each card represents: an energy. That’s what a spread represents: a pattern of energies. It took me many years and much suffering to realise that and I’ve just given it away (again).


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