
Some say Belial is demanding and aggressive but other sources say he is calm and quiet he seems quiet when i tried invoking him last night. I am going to give him a blood offering and see if i get any results.

Thoughts on this gatekeeper?


I honestly suggest giving him liquor over blood. In my opinion dont give any spirit blood unless they ask.
He can be aggressive but for the most part calm.
Hes been aggressive with me a couple times but not without purpose. He pushes me to do my best. Hes firm but with a gentleness about him. Though he can be scary at times.


I just got a reading telling me that blood was important to me. And this is about Belial, who’s been in my life recently. :thinking:


The thing about belial is that he’s very unique. One moment he’s loud and joking, the other he’s calm, serious and everything else. His personality can be chaotic at times but that’s not a bad thing, it’s just not static imo. There isn’t really being bored with belial.

So yes, he’s both.


Was intimidated and downright scared of him at first but as soon as I first started working with him, all of that got tossed to the side. Can honestly say he’s one of and will always be one of my favorite spirits to work with.

He’s been like a father figure and a best friend so far in my experience.


Yes! That’s such a perfect description.


Far as a blood offering goes i just got a small bit really just cut the finger and made a finger print of blood on the sigil i hope demons dont demand me slice my arm open or anything.

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:joy: I am sure they wont make you do things that you are way to uncomfortable to do.

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He prefers to work with females :heartpulse:


Out of several I’ve tried to work with here lately, he seems the most willing/eager, despite the others being more user friendly for a lack of a better term. I’ll agree to the range of emotions displayed, but seems to me he prefers someone to have a backbone.

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View this video. An interesting experience from JS Garret

You signed up as a member here back in February and have not yet posted an introduction. Please do so.


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You mean the other guy right? Because im a member now. :hushed:

Yes, it should have been a reply to @Trimorphis. Not sure why it didn’t register as one.

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It’s been doing that lately, the forums @DarkestKnight. Showed me replying to you then didnt work.


I wonder how good the wifi is in hell?


If it’s the Christian idea of Hell, it’s probably dial up :stuck_out_tongue:


Absolutely this. The night he came to me to make his presence known he was fun and uplifting. The day we sat down to discuss our contract he was intimidating and serious. It was BUSINESS. I was a bit scared but knew he had no reason to hurt me, I just had to stand my ground and negotiate my terms. Honestly he’s been great to me thus far and I’m excited to continue working with him.


Hey eveeyone on this thread…I’m glad this thread is about King Belial. I did an evocation on him around 2am last night. I need to know if u guys saw what I saw and what I need to do different. I plan on doing a 2nd evocation tonight using a white surface for better clarification. Someone said something I thought waa an entity was my carpet lol! So I’m trying to avoid any glitches in my future work with him. All honesty is appreciated. Keep it 100. :metal:

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