Belial: Summarizing My Experiences

(I didn’t plan on creating this topic, but I felt the pull to. Follow the pulls, eh?

If you want more context, you can read my introductory post.)

I’ve known Belial for a couple of years.

When I first met him, he wasn’t a King to me. The only context I had was a verse in the NT (2 Corinthians 6:15, if you’re curious).

I was pretty surprised when I found this forum! I didn’t know he had a reputation, or that so many people were aware of him, had partnerships with him. I had never heard of the Goetia, or anything like that.

He certainly had the presence of a king. The regality, power, authority.

He carried himself with such…composure, self-assuredness. He was pretty much the opposite of me in that regard.

I had to overcome a lot of fear when it comes to demons. I still have those fears now and again.

Fear is a big thing with me.

But Belial…has this sort of confidence–shamelessness–that makes even you walk a little taller. You know?

And if you know Belial, you know how straightforward he is. (One of my nicknames for him is, “Blunt Belial,” lol.)

He’s the type of being that will look you straight in the eye and tell you exactly what your problem is, AND what he thinks of you. And you’re like, “Well, thanks, but…ouch?”

I respect him for that, though. And when he’s so blunt with you, you can know when he gives you a compliment, he’s being genuine.

And he doesn’t waste a word, a moment. He’s passionate and intense; as if every word, look, and action has full intention.

He doesn’t like dishonesty and cowardice. (And I should know, because I ran from him A LOT. He hunted me down every time. :sweat_smile:)

He admires perseverance. Even if you run, or trip up, as long as you can get up–dust yourself off, be honest with both yourself and him–look him in the eye, and keep pressing on…You’ll win his respect.

He is one you have to prove your worth to. He will test you and break down your foundation. To destroy those worthless aspects of yourself, and unveil your divinity.

And once that happens, you’ll find he’s a very devoted and protective ally. I can’t count how many times he’s protected me; and yes, even helped and comforted me.

Honestly? He’s the most multifaceted and fascinating being I’ve ever met.

Because, yeah, he’s a force.

But he’s also gentle and tender, too.

I’m grateful he came into my life when he did.

It’s been incredibly difficult, and world-shattering…

But also an amazing journey of self-discovery, freedom…

Self-confidence, and self-love.

…And to me, that it was “worthless” Belial symbolizes.

He crushes (and yeah, that takes a LOT of soul-searching and pain!) every.little.thing that is worthless in YOU. That’s keeping you from your truest potential.

He’s the King of the Worthless–
because society says you’re “worth-less” than they are.

But Belial laughs at that.

He says, “Carve your own worth. Forge your own bloodied, muddied path.”

THAT’S where your worth lies.

In your own hands.

What are you going to make of it?


Testify. I concur and validate your experience. He is teaching me right now the art of compassionate control in relationships. How to lead the partner to where they need to be.


I find this a beautiful and accurate way to describe him! Thankyou for your post! I also work with Belial and I am glad he has assisted you and so many others!

One thing I would like to add, the word worthless, when applied to our dear King Belial, I have come to see from a much different perspective. Afterall, is not worthless the same as priceless but through a positive light? He is the King above the pettiness of measuring worth between beings. He taught me that measuring oneself against others is silly(summarizing that lesson in my own words), but measuring ones current self to ones past, how you see yourself and your growth, that is what matters!

Of course he is also teaching me how to have better control and responsibility for my own personal actions as well as helping me with my business and assisting me in gaining the respect of others in my chosen field. His advice, assistance, and influence has been, in a word invaluable! With his guidance, as well as the guidance and help of others, I have come from being a battered woman, who thought herself to be only a burden to others, who was trapped in a abusive, impoverished home, I was raised to be dependent on others, brainwashed that without my abusers id die alone on the streets. Now, I am a strong, independent individual with a strong sense of identity, with a purpose who has broken ties with all those who would have kept me down. I have my own business, I have 30 acres of land and setting up a homestead and have gained respect and admiration of those around me!

King Belial is all at once the darkest deity/demon i have ever worked with, as well as one of the brightest lights in my life. Much like a lighthouse cuts through the darkness of the stormy seas, he doesn’t come to save you, he gives you the tools to help yourself.

Of course, its only fair to mention that I have also had assistance/guidance/advice from other deities/demons too, but this post isnt about them, and tbh i was shocked that they all were fine working together/around each other and did not clash or anything like that.

Sorry, i got a bit longwinded, but your post just resonated with me and I wanted to share my experiences with you as well.


Don, I was having another moment of self-doubt + questioning my worth…so, thank you. :slightly_smiling_face: That’s an interesting way of putting it. I can certainly see him in that.

Rosie…don’t be sorry! I love reading people’s experiences, too. :purple_heart: And your reply was beautiful. Your story’s inspiring. I’m soo glad you got out of that mess. You’re definitely worth more…Living the life you deserve, and valuing yourself, as you deserve…I’m proud of you! I’m sure Belial is, too. :wink:

I love your perspective…Comparison is something I struggle with, too. Especially when it comes to people who seem smarter, more influential, experienced, etc.

A “lighthouse” is a perfect description of him, too. He’s been that to me many times. That’s what I mean by multifaceted…he’s this beautiful blend of “light” and “dark.”

…Ofc, as you mentioned, I’ve also had a ton of help from other spirits. They’ve been kind, even tough, but they’re like a family to me. I’m infinitely grateful for them all.

(I wasn’t sure how that would work out, either, but I think it’s fascinating…watching their interactions, even if my senses aren’t fully developed yet. Most of them seem to have something of a mutual respect for one another? Even if they don’t always agree. Or necessarily like each other, lol.)

On a side note: I like your icon. It’s pretty. :smiling_face:


Thankyou for the compliment! Your icon is beautiful too! I am grateful that you posted this and I hope your life simply just gets better and better as you bloom and grow! The entities and beings i work with are mostly like family for me as well, with others being more akin to family friends or colleagues. I feel you on that. It is so beautiful how different beings will come together to help, despite their differences. I am glad we could exchange perspectives on King Belial and his influence on our lives! I find it extremely encouraging and enlightening to see things from another persons point of view!


That’s true. He is very calm and composed, but one angry look from him was enough to scare me because there is a huge power behind him and within him. Like a great martial artist.
Aura of great Master itself is enough to show that this is not an ordinary person.
However, the weak and stupid mask their weakness with aggression.
Belial Rage is not ordinary anger. This is rage that could make the heavens fall. I think that’s one of the reasons why he’s so composed.


It’s my own opinion that Belial, shall we say, feels more deeply than perhaps any other demon. He experiences emotional intensity in a way few demons do.


Rosie, same here! :black_heart: Thanks so much for sharing! I can tell you’re a vibrant soul. :blush:

That’s really fascinating.

And funny. I was thinking that as I was reading Matthew’s (Satanalash’s) reply. The looks he gives, the words he speaks, his tone; even his energy, carries this depth of intensity that I haven’t experienced with anyone else. (Granted, he is the one I’m closest to and most familiar with. I find the infernal all have varying flavors of intensity.)


Have you ever heard the Song Angel with a Shotgun by the Cab? That’s his theme for those he cares for, lol. It just sounds like his energy and tone. Exultant disregard for anything or anyone that threatens what he wants. FR.


Noo, but I adore it! Thank you! That definitely suits him. The song, description you gave, and all. Hehe.


Oh my gosh! I also identify him with that song!


I had an epiphany this morning after talking with Belial (somewhat related to his “worthless” title).

Society tells you:

Do this.
Don’t do that.

Follow this person.
Don’t follow this person.

Believe this.
Don’t believe that.

Look like this.
Don’t look like that.

Wear this.
Don’t wear that.

Eat this;
don’t eat that…

And on and on and on…
Until people are falling off a mountain of bullshit (to paraphrase something Belial told me! :wink::sweat_smile:).

Society–religion–wants to manufacture your worth:

Both so they can control you;
and sell you the “cure.”
(“Yay! You’re worthwhile like us now!”)

Belial symbolizes the complete opposite. (That’s partly why I find him so beautiful. Honestly.)

He is seen as “worthless” because he can’t be bought, or controlled.

He isn’t arrogant–
He’s unapologetically, fully, deeply himself.
He defines himself.

He’s like nature.
The mountain, or the Earth.

He just…

He stands tall–



It’s been a bit since I’ve posted. I’ve been doing a lot of self-work and self-reflection (and a BIG thanks to my spirit fam for all their guidance! :smile:).

It’s also been a couple of years since I started my journey.

I haven’t included a ton of details in my posts because one: it’s personal, and two: it would take too long!

Buut I thought I’d go into more detail on how Belial has helped me personally.

When he came into my life, I was dealing with a lot of spiritual attacks. Malicious presences that would be watching me, standing over my bed at night…Nightmares…A parasitic infestation, basically.

I was working on banishing them. And that seemed to be working…but it was like they were neverending. It was exhausting and frustrating.

Something interesting I noticed after he came into my life is that those beings slowly dissipated. Even the nightmares! (I didn’t realize what they were at the time, but he had even created wards around me. He makes pretty quick work of any threats. :wink:)

BUT I think what is most impressive is how I’ve grown internally. I was always someone who was insecure and timid. And I’ve had a toon of religious programming, pain, and trauma to unpack.

He’s taught me to value and love myself. To be more independent and make my own choices, instead of feeling responsible for everyone else.

To stand up for myself. Funny story there, actually. The first time I stood up for myself (to him, no less!), I straightened up, looked him square in the eye, and gave him a piece of my mind.

I froze, shocked. And so did he. I was afraid I had pissed him off.

…But to my surprise, he was elated. He was beaming and laughing (and I was…confused, lol. Oh, Belial…).

But anyway! A lot of my inner work with Belial has been untangling my past insecurities and hurts, so I can discover who I truly am, and what I really want. And not feeling guilt or shame about that.

I’ve seen a few people make the claim that he treats women differently. I wasn’t sure about that at first, but after reading of people’s experiences on here, that seems to be the case! He just…knows when I need a reality check, and when I need comfort and understanding.

He’s helped me stay consistent with my goals (without beating myself up…he doesn’t like trash talking and doesn’t allow it, lol).

As of late, he and a couple of others have been helping me with my business aspirations, too. Giving me direction and creative ideas.

I always struggled with knowing what I want to do. But I feel I’ve finally found it. :blush: Even my studies + preparations are making me excited! Which is a good sign, I feel. I’ve never had this level of excitement, and feeling of… alignment? with any other career.

I could go on and on, but that would take all night. :upside_down_face: Don’t get me wrong…this has been the most difficult journey I’ve ever been on. But?

I don’t have a single regret. Especially about meeting Belial. Or any other of the spirits I’ve met.

It’s 100%, beautifully worthwhile.