Belial really doesn’t like addiction

I saw this on there:

If we want to go harder, there’s always Azazel who will go drill sergeant on us.


Some life guru (I dunno who, or I wouldn’t have put this) has said your “shoulds” should be your “musts” if you’re looking to be the person you “should” be. In order to be the person you should be you must make your “shoulds” “musts”. Look into cognitive dissonance, I found that understanding why we talk ourselves out of things useful. Knowing part of the psychology for it helps solidify it in my brain too!

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Thanks, I’ll definitely look up what I can about cognitive dissonance. It sounds like it’ll help alot with providing motivation and ideas.

I’m surprised no one has mentioned Buer in this thread. He is supposed to help with addictions.

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I’m surprised too. I know there are others who help but get forgotten about when someone more interesting comes into play.

I’ve heard of Buer before in horror stories so I’m interested in actual stories, what’s he like?