Belial and Beleth linked?

Belial and Beleth eh? He was working with me on something and showed me a few things recently and in the not too distant past. Very recently actually. Sounds like you may of picked up on something subconsciously even though your focus was on Enns.

What would that sandwich consist of?

What is a sandwhich? a 140 lbs guy sandwhiched inbetween two 600lbs women… With alot of Mayonnaise rubbed all over them…

Now thats some fucked up Belial (female variant) & Beleth action.

:joy::joy: that’s one big sandwich

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Fishpaste, gherkin, sausage, pickle, and fried egg, Cold baked beans, ketchup, sliced tomato, French mustard and Apricot preserve.


Interesting discussion. Good question and excellent answers.

Earth Protect this soil Belial…?

Yes. After all, Belial in the Dukante hierarchy is seen as the representative Demonic (and destructive) force of Earth.

It sounds like this Enn could be used in the same way the norse use Mjollnir in erecting circles.

Earth Protect this soil Belial

Hammer in (direction), hallow and hold this sacred stead.

Though for protecting above, you may need to change it to sky and air. Thoughts on my spit balling, demonolators?

They…are aspects of each other…