There is no translation of demonic enns, and their power seems to reside in the language itself, so it could simply be an energetic scale, with the extra letter in “Whelc” being a different octave than the “Whel” of Beleth.
The spirits themselves don’t have to linked, but could simply be within the same energetic current.
I would be interested in that because as far as I know they have not (I’m sure demonolators like S. Connolly would have mentioned it in her books if they had, since demonolatry is where enns originated).
Edit to add: I googled, and there is some similarity to Latin, so some have made guesses as to what the words mean, but no one knows for sure as far as I can find.
Asta --> Astaroth
Et --> And
Fubin --> (the) Flame
Ganic --> Fire
Geana --> Mystery
Jedan --> Water
Hesta --> Curse
Hoet --> Our
Lanire --> Liar
Lirach --> Earth
Naca --> Circle (ring)
Par --> Thee
Renich --> Air
Roroth --> (bring) to me
Tasa --> Protect
Uberaca Biasa Icar --> The Surrounding Sky
Vefa --> This
Wehlc --> Soil
Withar --> Discover
From the book “The Complete Book of Demonolatry” by S.Connolly, pages 76 -77
So if Earth is the element of each demon that has the same enn, then it would seem they are all part of the same current (elemental) as I previously stated, but I don’t think that necessarily means they are linked or connected beyond that.
I don’t use the enns in my practice though so my knowledge of them is minimal.
No, the rest Kings don’t seem to have a common Enn, I just pointed that out since the enn is actually a call of the Earth to protect. Doesn’t really mean more than what it is.
What makes the difference is the name of the God. They could all have the same enn but the name changes the overall meaning @Anassa The enns denote their element or personality/energy.
The Enns are nothing more than a language. Language changes more rapidly over time than Religious beliefs. What this then means is that what is more important is the Intent/Will you are using to SuperImpose energy to cause magickal change, rather than the language used.
The Enn is making referrence to “Earth.” Instead of blindly using elements in a ritual, first get to know what the actual meaning behind each element means. This also goes for the “why” each spirit is ascribed a specific element in a ritual. For example, this ritual is a Call to Earth and Belial represents Earth, and in other Tombs he represents other elements.
It would do you better if you just learned the Why behind this. It will help you to be creative in “Constructing Your Own Rituals” and will help you do magick more on the fly.
Well it very much goes in line with a lot of the things that I’ve been figuring out as of late. Such as when opening a Sigil, I discovered that the sigils how multiple layers, calling different beings whenever you open those layers. I was wondering if it might have something to do with that.
Ok. So for example, Belial in some circles is associated with Earth. To some its Water, and others its Fire (because they read a grimore where he rides a Fiery Chariot). Now of course, the Fiery chariot is a symbolic meaning of something else.
Anyway, in Kabbalah you have 4 Elemental Worlds and then a 5th tying them all togethor. These are just the main stages of Alchemy of when spirit is operating at the Foundational Level and forms into a Solid (in terms of energy) and holds its position stable.
So if you call upon a spirit for change, why would you want to focus exclusively on Fire? It would require that you work with the same spirit until its Physical Manifestation as well as any Physical effects it would bring about, in other words you should be working with all the Elements.
You just have to translate many of them to see the connection there.
In essence, King Paimon, of water, come to me.
Prince Lucifer, of water, come to me.
King Beleth, of earth, come to me.
etc etc
And the arrangements might be different like:
Parlez vous francais? says “Speak you French?” in English. You might get “Come forth, of earth, King so and so.”