Being open with others about your practice?

One of the best explanations out there

Nope, it’s not considered as an option. There are opportunities in which the answers can be obtained but being direct is never an option, so they only have to know how to access and got it.

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You never know who people really are, im really careful and just say I work with angels, someone might punish you while they keep smiling nicely to you, never told anyone about demons

Even with this plenty of black magicians’ll wreck your shit if they catch wind that you’re a potential source of invoked angels sniffing around in their workings, too.

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I’ve never had an issue (not saying it doesnt exist for others) but I never really faced the paranoia many seem to be steeped in, especially those of the LHP category.

Yes, Im aware, I just rather not destroy a person which is why either I dont mention Lhp or just switch the subject …


Your practice is like your sex life. It’s nobody’s business except those you choose to bring into it.

I wear BALG demon seal t-shirts and an inverted pentagram pendant, but no one bats an eye because I live in a part of the world where no one cares what you do as long as you aren’t harming anyone.

Some people, however, are not that lucky. There are countries still today where belief in black magick is very prevalent and its practice is punishable by death so the “keep silent” part of the witch’s creed is very much necessary.

Magick isn’t religion so proselytising isn’t required. I’m naturally a private person and don’t feel the need to yell from the rooftops that I am a sorcerer. I just do my thing, and let everyone else do theirs. If someone asks a deeper question beyond the usual “Isn’t that a Satanic symbol?” I have no problem telling them, but I’ve received some knowing smiles and nods from random strangers so some people can tell that I am a practitioner without having to say a word.