Being a Sun Worshipper while consorting with church goers

Would there be any potential blowback? I have a Baptist Hymnal sitting in front of me, and several songs and other material reference the Sun as in Sol. While it may be poetic, I cant help but wonder…

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Well, Jesus is often equated to the sun, so I don’t see how there should be an issue. :thinking:


There will be blowbacks because Christians are stupid, but nothing that infringes on your spiritual practice

DarknestKnight’s comment is more accurate lol there are Christians who aren’t stupid and given Jesus is like he said often equated with the Sun blowback is less likely a certainty.


I’ve met only one who isn’t an idiot tho

I hate to point it out, but many occultists are pretty stupid too. Some of the crap spewed by black magicians, for example, make Christians look positively brilliant. lol


Lmao probably true

Idk, I’m dating a Christian, but it became clear to me early on, he’s not so different from me, senses things he can’t see, is aware of things like other planes, projection, angels can be as bad as anything else etc…

I’ve been going to church with him on Sundays, to support his choices, because he supports mine. He goes because he was raised to go, not because he doesn’t understand it’s more complicated than what he was taught.

We sing the damned hymns, whisper to each other about what those around us have few clues about and pretty much just enjoy the energy, while we make notes on how people’s minds work, and so on and so forth and what have you.

I work with demons, angels, djinn, Greek gods, Egyptian gods, and I’ve even had people ask me to empower their servitors through Jesus Christ and entities I’d never heard of prior to the request so.

The only effect I think you’ll see on your practice, is those you fear, imagine, or expect to happen.

Maybe, that doesn’t make sense, but I really think we make mountains out of molehills when it comes to stuff like this.


This is perfect and very true.

I want to point out there are also such thing as Christian witches. Who believe and xyz religion but also are very connected with whatever magickal current they practice.

So you can have strong roots in both and there truly isn’t much blowback from the non extremist Christians. Most don’t care or just ask questions and sometimes for help.


I am going to need some more detail on what you mean by blow back to better answer your question. Are you concerned with something such as their prayers binding you or that you will offend whatever form of the sun you worship by reading the material and/or speaking with those of that faith? Is there something in particular you are worried about?


You need just login to see some twice as bad lol.


Sadly this is the truth.

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That’s a vague question.

Depends on what you mean by blow back.

If you mean someone will get in you face and try and convert you or scold you for sinning then maybe.

If you mean will your significant other dump you? Maybe.

If you mean will they burn you at the stake? Probably not because we are not as barbaric as we humans were in times past (not to mention the murder charges they’d receive).

It all depends on what you mean by blowback.

Remember that most denominations of Christian’s brainwash their people from birth til death into believing what they believe so there is a risk of maybe being harassed about give yourself to Jesus or being dumped but that’s about it.

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Very good point, that is why I started with hoodoo to be honest- because I wasn’t sure about what I believed at the time. :woman_shrugging:t2: I found very quickly on the Hoodoo forums that most people were scared of demons and that was what I was wanting to endeavor in. Escaping Exes you know, I was willing to risk going to hell, in the event I was wrong :smirk::rofl::joy:.


I was borne n raised catholic. Catholic means universal n as a gnostic luciferian or even if I was a satanist 1 could still consider 1self catholic. In fact, it is a sun cult, while Judaism is imo a lunar cult. Though I imagine ur question is about an evangelical or Pentecostal Christian church? I believe u r more likely to run into trouble with them if u show ur hand. Even within Catholicism I’d play my hand close to my chest. That said in Hispanic culture we have the ‘botanicas’ which are catholic witch stores, they would very much help n direct u if need be.

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Judaism is not a lunar cult but a saturnian one same as islam.


They follow a lunar calendar n a matrilineal line of descent yet, yod hay vav hay is closer to a tribal sky god akin to zeus. Curious of saturnian associations, plz text back…
As for Islam, r u referring to :kaaba:?


I guess that if I go solar, then some might have the clear vision to see me for what I am, and start a burning times again. Already my pastor has hit me up for conversation and urging me to come back.
So, to be who I am, doing what I do, maybe prideful, maybe necessary.

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No such thing, they’re either witches or Christians.

I’ve worked with Christ, never considered myself a Christian

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I am sorry but you are wrong there you just negated a holy practice of witch craft.

There are many many many Christians that also are witches. I know a lot of them. They chose to follow the homie and work only with those in it. The still worship their god and so on.