Hello there.
I am a 16 year old male from Canada who is new to working with entities and finding myself.
I have been interested in the left hand path for a few years but never decided to really delve too deep into it but I want this to change.
I have worked with Lilith in the past communicating through a pendulum so I guess you can say I have some experience. I’d like to work with entities for these goals
-letting my creativity flourish more
-help with my anxiety
-help with my music and creative process
-channeling / meditation work
And still a few more I need to brainstorm. I would appreciate any help as I am a beginner! Thank you.
Welcome @soulstuck
How long did you practice with the pendulum?
Do you have experience in any magical systems or traditions?
Have you done any spell work before?
Not for long maybe a few months on and off, I was given advice by someone who claimed to be a “hells priest.” I also wear her sigil and I would love to work with her more as well.
And no I have not, and do not have any experience in spell work as of now!
It is impossible to give specific advice or recommendation, study magical literature, nowadays huge masses of information and books can be found on the Internet in open access, develop your astral vision and hearing, include meditation and sports in your daily routine. Strengthen your energy and physical body. If you have used a pendulum, try to master other ways of predicting and communicating with entities such as tarot cards, ouija boards and more. This is just an example of what you can do to grow.
Thank you! I am on the path to healing my body and spirit to be strong and capable to work with the spirits I would like to work with. It’s a lengthy process but I want to make sure I’m fully ready.
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