Beginner offer to draw aura

I was feeling something wild. The first image to represent that wild that came is a tiger :thinking:
I feel something under pressure.


Wild most defintly. Under pressure I’m not sure.

What does the 2 mean?

Wild like something strong,a ancient, I will say dangerous too, but it don’t feel bad :/:thinking:

And for under pressure, it’s like if the placw is too small and that it want to exit.


Thank you




It’s lovely thank you! :hugs:

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Thank you so much <3 I will definitely take a closer look at this.

It’s look amazing… My power yesterday was drained… Since then I try recharging it…Do u know what/who’s symbol ?!

I would like one please (:

Well, I think it have work :slight_smile:
For the symbol I was feeling a natural beeing, something to do with tree…

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Hey :slight_smile: I know it’s two day after, but do you still want it ? I ask to be sure :slight_smile:

Sure I’m good with that (:

Here we go !


Thank you! How’d you feel while painting it

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I was feeling that a force was under control :slight_smile: the… lock if I can say, seem to have been put by someone.

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Interesting hope it’s nothing malicious
Or could be a spirit I’m familiar with.

Hit me up again @Selkie lmao

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for sure :wink: just a moment ahah

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Are you still offering?

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