ahah I have to admit it !
that make it more cool I think x)
Me too plz … Pluto and scorpio
I would appreciate if you could draw mine too
just to say that I have see all of you, just that it’s the end of my day I will continue tomorrow
I would love one if you have the time.
If you could, could you pm mine
Was that for me or for selki
I’m back o/
Here your drawing @Zeinaa
Thanks sweetie… Could u tell me what’s u r seeing in it … What’s ur feelings about it
I’d love one
I’d be very interested in getting one.
F.T.S., Aries, March 24, 1980
I would love a picture of my aura: and interested in getting one
I still have to learn more about interpretation… But I feel an energic hapiness, secret force and an intellectual energy.
Just need a lil picture of you or your initual and sun/moon sign ^^
I’d like a drawing, please
(Can’t send direct messages, so if you could pm me first then I can give my initials and sun/moon sign)