Beginner: from Ritual 1 of Dom to Connective evocation (rit 2 DoM)?

At the moment I’m working with Ritual 1 of DoM, which - for those who don’t know - is a Petition.
My problem is that the situation I’m dealing with is very complicated and it isn’t fully explainable in a petition.
I know that I can solve this problem with the Connective evocation and speak directly with the demon. But here there is my second problem: I’ve not yet developed my senses.
So, will I get my results even with this lack of abilities or is it better to keep working with Ritual 1?


Hi @Happybunny,

I have this book too and have tried the 1st ritual several times. I haven’t done the 2nd or 3rd yet, as I’m also still working on my abilities before I want to continue.
However I do think that if you read the other two rituals and make a good summary for yourself, you should be able to make a connection. The author states that even if you dont feel anything, continue and known that you are heard. Ritual 2 could indeed be a better way to explain your situation, as the petition in ritual 1 should be a sentence or two, easy to memorize and not too lengthy because you also have to encode it.

If you dont mind working with several demons in the book,you could also try to break the situation down into more than 1 aspects on do a petition for those separately while aiming them all towards the main objective.

Hope this helps a bit :hugs:

Basically, I’ve already disassembled the situation into a soon to be layered spell, but even in this case, some aspects aren’t fully explainable though a very “short” encoded sentence also because some demons are meant to work more times on different parts and with the evocation I can fully say what I need

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Other than you feeling that your senses are not yet fully developed, is there anything else holding you back?
If not, I would say go for it! It’s always better to try than to wonder :hugs:

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If I have to be honest, yes.

I have had results before with Ritual 1 despite some errors.
What I fear is not having results because of some X factors and the situation I’m dealing with is very important to me

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With your results, did you have success?

Asking just to share experiences

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I can understand that very much, and if that is something you feel you cant shake then you can always stick with Ritual 1. Even if ritual 2 or 3 give you more way to concey your wishes better, I believe it’s best to stick with the one you feel more comfortable with your now and see how to progress. Then afterwards you can always go back and try the other Rituals. Do what feels best for you :hugs:

In all honesty: no, I can’t say it has worked out for me using this method. What did give a positive results tho, was using the Sigil in the book without the shem angels and wording around it. I drew it over with a black marker and used the sigil by itself. I gazed at it, talked to it, explained what was happening, and asked for something, afterwards I burned the sigil. Within a a week I saw movement happening.

That’s not to say that the ritual from DoM didn’t work, its just didnt work for me that time and I tried something else. I thinks that’s also what its all about; finding what works for you.


Nice to hear that you understand my fears :melting_face:

I donno, as I said, the only problem with Ritual 1 is that I can’t condense what I want in a just a small sentence, there are too much factors.

What’s more, for some demons I have different tasks to give and though the Evocation I will have saved some times.

I just don’t know how to properly work and which demons can be the best option because more than one can do the same task but with a slight difference.
My brain is exploding :exploding_head:

I’m so sorry that the DoM method hasn’t worked for you bur happy that you adapted version has proven you with results.
Don’t you think that the results given were just because of DoM work taking more time than expected?

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No need to!

This is actually a good thing! It means you can layer the petitions, and have different demons work on different expects that all support the main goal. You can still do this with ritual one. Say; you have blue hair, but you want pink. You would petition demon 1 for the decolouring of your hair, demon 2 to help with the split ends, demon 3 for bleaching it blond and demon 4 for the actual pink. They all do different things, but you end up with your desire: pink hair.

See if you can go back to your initial goal and deconstruct it in to different pieces. I really believe it’s do-able with a fresh look at it.

This was with Vepar, which I never used DoM with, so I dont believe so…? I remember one day I was driving home and basically poured my heart out to Vepar regarding my request, it was the very next day that I saw the movement.

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indeed I really love the fact that I can layer, but still I don’t know which demon is the best and I don’t even what to call on more than one on the same task: so my solution is having all the demons ability on a file and going though them in order to find the one.

Ahhh, I see now, you worked directly without the DoM system. yeah, maybe the DoM method is not your piece of cake. as said before, I’m happy you have found a valid alternative.

I really would like to find and succeed in other methods rather than DoM, but I won’t now because of fear of in-success + I don’t feel sufficiently protected and safe from imposters and attacks

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That’s a great idea!

Thank you :blush:

I can relate to that, that’s on my mind as well.
Have you tried this?
Tutorial: Petition Spells

That might be a good and safe way to try out something new. Or draw the sigil of the demon you’d like to work with and try to connect with that? There’s an artical by the founder of this site too. I can’t seem to link it, but I’ll look it up and tag you.

Please do keep us updated, if you’d like :blush:

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I totally know it :heart_eyes:
I’ve used it when I first started but I had minor success
So I preferred to try something new

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I have had the same exact problems- how to explain and write it all out in the demonic alphabet. It’s quite a chore. Going to the next level is a big leap especially for a relative newbie like me. I can offer a little bit of a tip to you, which is to consult more books. The best one I have found is called The Demonolator’s Handbook. It describes the demons and their specialties in more detail than the DOM does. It is free as pdf online and/or can be bought as paperback on amazon (sorry having trouble posting links here…). The author is Mirta Wake, can’t find the link to the free version but it is on Reddit somewhere.


Thank you so much for your answer, I’m going to give it a check right now.

Trying also to find some tips to enter the alpha state which I’ve just bookmarked though the site