Becoming A Goddess Journal

Hey, my break was way shorter than expected, but when you’re gut says you’re ready, you’re read

On another important note, I’ve been reborn from the void. Let’s see what happens.


I saw that you’re back very fast. Don’t forget to take a break even if it’s short. Have a blessed day :slight_smile:

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Taking out the trash…

I killed off an egregore that was at least 3 years old. I was slightly becoming attached, so it was kinda hard to do it, but it’s for my own good. He was manipulative and mean. I’m just glad it’s over…

I have broken free from the chains, so now ascension shall be easier.


Slight improvement of senses…

I’m able to sense energy a little better and I’m able to feel touches better. I’ve felt intense touches recently. This might not sound like much, but at least I’m improving. :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh, and my clairaudience is getting better too. I even heard an entity respond to my dad when he was talking to my mom, lol.


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@discobot quote A good quote for my journal

:left_speech_bubble: If you lose today, win tomorrow. In this never-ending spirit of challenge is the heart of a victor. — Daisaku Ikeda

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Thanks, that’s great for my journal!


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

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Well, I’m slowly becoming somewhat more comfortable with myself. I was willing to look like trash in public, lol, so slow acceptance is a good key to moving on up.

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Lately, this is kinda what I strive towards.


I read it ! And it motivates me

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Going through so much pain. Became completely emotionally broken. They say when you’re broken, you change the best, so I’m ready for the mysterious change to occur.


You will adjust through tough times, this will make you stronger.
To evolve I believe we need to progress through pain and suffering.
There is a saying after stormy days comes sunshine and rainbow so you will have days were there will be no progress and just maintain.
By the the way @anon9236988 I am glad you’re back posting here I look forward to learn from you’re experience, you also motivate me to write my own journal thread. :metal::grinning::metal:

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Starting to fix myself. I also handled some hate comments without breaking down, lol. It’s actually a big thing for me, because I typically would’ve lost control. Well, so far so good.

After so much dead ends and pain, I’m fixing myself.


Hate comments here at BALG?
I have had only positive experience so far here…dunno why would someone pick on you :scream:
Capricorn here


Not on BALG just all across different websites and apps on social media

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