Gotta ask again @leo , since Im not sure if you never read my message or arent interested in DMing.
Please let me know since Im indeed still interested, but if for whatever reason you dont want to just let me know too and I wont ask again.
Hey, @Chriss. How’s it going? Before anything, thanks for baring with me, as I only really come on here these days when I get the urge to talk magick once again in my spare time. Given that I’ve got an infant next to me I’m rocking in a bouncy chair as I’m typing the words you’re reading now, it’s safe to say I’ve got less of it to spare than years passed. That said, I still generally don’t tend to ignore people without good reason. But yeah, perhaps like EA has mused, I too wonder if it’s possible to really, deeply help anyone beyond the help they can give themselves in the end. True adepts seem to be like weeds; flourishing regardless of obstacles and setbacks. That said, I’ll help you, but let me state up front that after several years of helping people, my patience for anything less than 100% has worn supremely thin when it comes to my personal time. But it is an indescribable feeling to meet someone on the way up; to watch them easily accomplish that with which you’d struggled. Otherwise, I’m about to send you a DM, and we can take it from there. Talk soon.
Has anyone else ever tried it?
If you have performed Ode to the Vampire Mother, please reply and tell us if something eerie/unexpected/unexplained happened to you (or a friend or family member).
I performed this ritual 3 days ago (full moon) at midnight.
In preperation I wrote the poem into my new book of shadows and I came across Selenes and Amborgios story. I sobbed bitterly at how beautiful it was.
Around 1 hour before midnight I went to the rooftop and gazed at the full moon. After some time I began seeing the face of a baby in the moon and it stayed there as long as I looked. I thought thats interesting because the poems references a “womb” and “being reborn as her child”, so that definitely fits.
At around midnight I lit a candle (no artificial light because Selene is a moon goddess) so I could read the poem. I poured a glass of milk as an offering (milk because its white as the moon) and I invoked Lucifer and Lilith to watch over and protect me should something go wrong.
Then I called out to and welcomed Selene.
I talked a bit about how much I liked her story, how I long for such a love aswell (minus the whole chastity thing ) and how I want to become more myself, learn more about myself and how I believe that this ritual/path will get me there.
Then I began reciting the poem for her.
I dont exactly recall how often I said it. Initially I aimed for 3 times because I like that number, but I felt like I was building up the morr I read it, so I just kept going (probably ended up reciting it like 10+ times). I kept building and felt like crying. When I couldnt hold it in anymore I stop reciting and just sat there and cried. I became incredibly hot and stripped all upper body clothing. Then I got a vision of a man (presumably a vampire) approaching me, asking in a neutral tone “why are you crying?” while marking my forehead with a red cross and leaving again.
I sat there for a few more moments, thanked everyone for coming and closed the ritual.
Btw, I was already tired at 8pm that day so staying up that long was actually realy hard and I consider it part of the ritual for me.
So I was incredibly tired after the ritual and went right to bed. While laying in bed I saw visions of vampire related scenarios: a pile of skulls, a necromancer, sharp chilly mountains, a castle, etc. The images were at once strongly saturated with color, yet also distant, dark and cold at the same time.
During my sleep I dreamt of an old enemy who had lured me into a corner and tried to attack me. It was one of these dreams where you know that you will lose the fight…only this time I didnt. He multiplied into 2 versions of himself and when the first one attacked I immediately bit into his arm with my vampire teeth, twisted it and really nastily broke it backwards. His second version of himself went like “gross!”, but I didnt stop there and broke the same arm in another 2 places and did the exact same to his other arm aswell, disabling him completely. Then I did the same to his copy. End of dream.
The next day I woke up with a headache. I thought it was because of the candle in my room and me not letting in any fresh air before going to bed, but Im still ill so its not the candle.
I did remember that the next day I felt really sleepy the whole day. I felt like my body is WAAAAY to heavy (never felt this before in my life) and like I could instantly lose 30kg to be myself, or that I could just step outside of my body and the whole world. ← thats really hard to describe but the whole feeling was very refreshing and felt incredibly good. I think I should lose some weight
Anyway, thats all that happened up to this day. The illness ended up being actually good for me because I had stressed myself out for mundane reasons before and the illness gave me a much needed pause from it all.
Idk if the illness is actually related to the ritual but it seems pretty obvious that it is. Im reasoning that its part of a transformation process.
Anyway, should more things happen in the future I’ll respond back here.
EDIT: Also, and this is probably due to the illness but anyway, my appetite is WAY lower than usual. On the other hand my appetite for sugar is through the roof. While the lower appetite is explainable by the illness I never had a high appetite for sugar when ill sooooo…weird.
Hello may I ask you please how did you do the ritual for this spell? I’m convinced by my choice and I really want to become vampire but I don’t know how to use this prayer. Is it possible to me just to stay in my room with closed windows and whith candles? Should I pronounce it at 12am as some people say? And should it be on the full moon? And do you think this prayer still works?
A girl swears that
“ I tried it years ago with my best friend and she was taking video. We saw the shadow of a guy close to us when we checked the video after the ritual. I don’t know if it makes you a vampire but there is something visiting you.
I never uploaded it anywhere and It’s already 11 years since, but I’ll try to find it or ask my friend if she still has it and I’ll send you. But really, it works. I don’t know where it’s origins are, but if you do it correctly (aka candles and full moon, in a specific time) it works. I tried it 3 times back then. The first time I had a nightmare of some people entering my room dressed in black. The second time nothing happened. The third was the one with my friend and after we said the spell she told me that she felt something from the window and her baby brother started to cry. I didn’t sense anything at the time but when we saw the video we were so freaked out we slept together with the lights opened. ”
Did she establish a successful contact with… something?
What could it have been?
Any recent updates?
Have anyone else tested the spell?
if you’re going to do it, you should post your experience with it.
Hi. What is the correct sequence for performing this ritual and what exactly should be done? Should the ritual be performed outdoors or indoors? What does the vampire queen Selena look like?