Beauty spell results

Hii everyone, I got some great beauty results and I decided to share them, I made rune for smaller nose and results are great, my nose really did change and honestly I am shocked, I never liked my nose and I always wanted to get plastic surgery, my nose looks normal from the side but I hate it from the front its kind of wide esp my nose tip, so I did some rune magic and in less than a week I started to see results, honestly I couldn’t be more happy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Well I combined some runes and made runic formula for body reconstruction, it can be used to reconstruct any part you desire about your body, even to add height if you want, and after I made it I tried for the first time (I was new to magic) and basically I drew it and said “I have abnormally narrow and thin nose” (I always exaggerate for better results) then I activated it with fire and that was it. Nothing happened or changed in my appearance and I was devastated honestly because other people got great results with runic formulas. But then as time passed I wasnt beginner anymore and I decided to try it again, I realised that its not enough to only say it once, I need to charge it with intent words and energy, so I draw formula on my photo, chanted for 5-10 minutes, activated it with fire, put saliva to bind it to myself and then put it under my pillow. In the morning I already saw some results and as the time was passing my results were becoming more prominent haha…I like to redo it every month just to keep it fresh and real :slight_smile:


I draw runes on the pictures of myself (if its for me) and on the pictures of others if its for them and it always works


Is there a resource you use to determine witch rune symbols to use? Such as a book or website.

I use app called runic formulas, it gives great explaining of what each rune means and does and also has some runic formulas too, so I learned what they mean there, and then combined them for my formula


Awesome. Thanks.

That’s awesome. Thanks for sharing. I’d imagine it would also work to restore and heal parts of your physical body? Certain organs.

It sounds that the results do fade though with time?
I like your approach. But if anyone’s interested, the same can be achieved through morphic fields (which is essentially what you’re doing though, charging the runes with intent and thoughts) which are readily available and just have to be played - takes some time usually but I can testify it works.

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