Beard hair sacrifice

What I you think about beard hair offering? Roman teenagers sacrificed theirs first beard to Apolo (I am not sure about Roman name of the God. This is Greek name of him.)


Depends slightly on your attitude towards your beard. If you like your beard and think its really cool, It could be received as a potent sacrifice. On the other hand if its just an annoyance that you have to get rid of daily, it would be a pretty lousy sacrifice.
Also Apollo has the same name in Roman as in Greek mythology.


As safe as any other product of your body. Safer than sexual fluids or blood probably :thinking:


Though of course one should consider the entity they are sacrificing the beard(or anything) to.

By the way, fixed the title for you. Might be tough to get hair from a bear, though some entities might like to have it sacrificed to them. :thinking:


Keep in mind my English is broken. Thanks! :slight_smile:

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You should have no problem with using hair as an offering in your ritual. Hair contain the essence of a person, and are important elements in magic spells. Hair is associated with strength and virility, and with protection. It should give you much power with your ritual for your personal goals and success. Hair has been used in many rites to increase the persons powers as you are offering part of yourself.


Yes. But what kind of entity would be happy? Apolo doesn’t have beard so there is a logic. What about female spirit? Just thinking about the idea.

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The hair from YOU as an offering or part of the ritual is not about the Deitys gender as spirits are incorporate beings that have no body but are an energy source or field of energy that are total mind power. This holds true of the deity whether they are bearded or not or have hair is irrelevant.

The hair offering is a formal sign of respect that YOU are offering as part of yourself as part of the ritual the highest sign of respect as part of your rituals and castings.


I’d say it’s a good offering.

Are you hotter with a beard?


I hope so. Some kind of Robinson Crusoe. :smiley:

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I thought about this the other day when I had to trim off alot of my beard for work. Kept it as long as I could but its still a baby beard now. Ended up waking up too late to do it (had to have it trimmed by that night). Go ahead if you havent already.

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