Basic Limpia

Hey Euoi!

Thanks for this limpia!I’ve got a load of negative energy piled onto me RIGHT NOW,and so I am gonna do it.

Yes,I know I am under possession ATM,but I asked Thoth.He won’t be dispelled,nor will his influence,if I make clearly make sure to emphasize that I don’t want it out.

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This stuff really works. I did it without any prayers to any saint or hail marys and still felt a lot better after.


Great topic Euoi,
Bumping it , and public thanks to Lady Eva too!
Going to do it asap tomorrow,
No way I would find black hen eggs around, but organic eggs will be pretty easy to find,
Asking me what will appear in my yolk…


You could charge it with all the negative shit lingering around you, then egg the person’s home or car to use it as something other than a healing thing.

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I have seen people doing some divination with the egg used in the “limpia” but in my opinion it is not a good idea to break it into your house cause the negative energy can spread around. The better is to put the egg in a paper bag and throw it at a crossroad without looking back, or if you don’t have access to any crossroad then break the egg into the toilet and flush it immediately. This work can be performed with three eggs in a row. Sometimes white candles can be added also. After the limpia it is a good idea to pass some incense around the person and spray some “scented water” over the person the close the work. Depending on the spiritual tradition of the “witch doctor” prayers or some invocations are done prior to the limpia. Even without any prayers this work diminishes any energetic burdens.

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Some people don’t like to break the egg but it’s good to read and see what’s attached to you for a repeat cleansing . I would throw the glass away after each one.

Another good one is Santeria method of getting a vase full of water and fresh lemons whole inside. If they get slimy overnight you’ve been cursed.

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Is this in Jason Miller’s first book?

I don’t know who the question is for. I wouldn’t know if it’s in the book - I learned these a long long time ago

Oh sorry. It was for the original post

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Replying as a person that her family has been doing this for a long time. 1 method to use is in whole at the 4 corners of a house to absorb negative energy - I throw the eggs at a base of trees- I do not open the eggs at the house to look at them.

I know our common way is to rub the side of the persons bed or clothes they wore say what ever you need to to empower the egg- I then put it in a clear glass w… lukewarm water placing it under the persons bed when they leave for the day I will compare the egg to the days prior. The members of my family that could read the egg are no longer alive so I was not taught anything I have felt some negative energy from the eggs.

There is also the rubbing on the body-

We dispose of the egg in the Porcelain throne you can say a prayer of damn the energy- evil eye- our what ever was sent to whatever hellish playground you see fit. Spit on it get angry - you may even whip out your shooter and pee all over it… what you feel is right. PENDEJA NO MAS!!! is my flushing scream

A warning - be careful pulling stuff out - I did this to my son and ended up only pulling a small portion of the evil out and ended up sending him to the er because he was in so much back pain. I ended up calling in my Catholic aunts to pray vigils for him. Make sure you have the time and that you have the space and you are willing to do it over and over again. Do not use shells unless you are going to add it to your black salt, I add sulfer to mine has well.


The lady I learned it from told me to throw it away in the toilet too. And yes, sometimes you have to repeat them. I did some hands on limpias for a guy I was friends with yeeaars ago. All that negativity stuck on him crawled up my arms and made me physically ill. I cleansed myself and repeated the limpia on him for a few more days in a row. It helped him for a few weeks, but then he went back into the gutter. He needed more intense work for sure, as well as regular cleansings overall.
Anyway, I’m glad people are enjoying this thread overall. It’s a good trick to have up your sleeve when you need a cleansing in a pinch!


Ohhh this is fantastic!!! Thank you!

I’d get arrested for egging the house :joy: