Baron Samedi

Has anyone on here ever worked with Baron? What were your results.

He did help me quite a bit with protection and he helped someone I know on my behalf when this person was very sick. He is always friendly with me and I contact him every wednesday ( don’ t know why he chose this day), I give him rum with habaneros (the best i can find here) and tobacco/cigar and drink couple of shots with him.
I don’t know if my experiences are valid for you since I am not initiated or anything like that and I’ve read that you feel rather strongly about practicing while not being initiated.

The Baron is Papa Legba.

I don’t know about voodoo. In iniated in palo Mayombe. i know that nothing in palo will work if ur not iniated. One day I was with my friend in my godfathers basement. We were doing a spell for my friend. My godfather gave me a cup that was involved in the spell and he told me to dump it outside. I said its cold. It’s my friends spell make dump it out outside. He said he can’t because he’s not scratched. The spell won’t work then. Even down to the littlest thing. It’s not just my Rama of palo either. I’m Kimbisa con Mayombe. My friend is briyumba con Mayombe. He said the same shit to me. He said grind these sticks. I said yo your God son is right there. Why don’t you make him do it. He said I can’t he’s not scratched yet. That’s why I always say that. Maybe now that I’ve explained alittle more clearly you can understand my point of view. It’s not that I’m against practicing and not being iniated. It’s just that in palo Mayombe. If your not iniated it just won’t work. Plus in palo Mayombe you take an oath anything your taught you don’t talk of or show to anyone that isn’t in your house. That being said most of the authors that write books on palo are just authors that compile secrets from various houses in interviews. No Tata will ever give away thier secrets or break the path they took. I personally would never break my oath. I really don’t have any respect for another Tata that does. In my experience Baron is really cool to work with. I talk to him all the time. I have a special place for him on my dresser in my bedroom. He was calling me for weeks. I said yeah ITD just in my head. Then someone told me at a misa whom I never met befor said why you keeping the Baron waiting. He wants to work for you. I’m getting all testy eyed now. I’m going to go home and light a candle for him and pour him a shot.

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The Lwa were calling me for years and when I finally made a contact they asked what took me so long. I would probably rather find a house and some knowledgeable houngan or mambo but unfortunately in my situation I had pretty much to learn on my own and hope that I won’t screw up too bad. I just want to make it clear that I do not advocate doing what I did but it worked for me and I did not have any negative effects so far. I am however very careful and I am not intensifying my practices until I find a house or someone who could guide me.

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The Baron is the Baron Legba is Legba. Two different domains two different functions.


There’s a baron that is the Baron of the crossroads in the cemetery. That’s the one that contacted me. I know it’s him because the ve be he showed me matches up. And he wanted me to do a sacrifice in the crossroads of the cemetery

The Baron is the Baron Legba is Legba. Two different domains two different functions.[/quote]

Exactly. In my contacts, they have appeared as two different and distinct entities. Baron appeared as a bald, black man in something looking like a suit for a night ball and a black bow tie over a white shirt. Legba on the other hand? He appeared as a black man with a long beard (reached its chest), and wore nothing but a white loincloth, but did not seem uncomfortable in his nakedness.

They had very distinct personalities at that moment.


the Baron at the crossroads is a very dangerous Baron. I would recommend getting an experienced houngan to help you with that.

Plus Legba has nothing to do with the crossroads that is Cafou.

Legba Opens the Gates
Cafou is Master of the Crossroad
Baron is a Psychopomp

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To get even more technical:

Legba and the Baron are from different nations and served in different rites. If they were the same spirit they would not be separated. Legba appears in many rites but not the right of the Guede which is presided over by the Baron.

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[quote=“granchemin, post:10, topic:5045”]To get even more technical:

Legba and the Baron are from different nations and served in different rites. If they were the same spirit they would not be separated. Legba appears in many rites but not the right of the Guede which is presided over by the Baron.[/quote]

Great posts!

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Is anybody dedicating there time around this season too Papa Guédé?

Last night I was talking too a friend of mine about Baron Samedi around midnight waiting for the bus when I had the intense deja vu. At the end of hallows eve. I’m unfamiliar with the LOA at this point. The only tribes of any sort around Phoenix Arizona are new agers (who are chill) but I can feel myself pulled toward something else then the crowd, too say the least, ya know’??

:blush: finally my self doubt is dead…someone saw what I saw… You forgot something on baron samedi…“a round top black hat”…like that of the ring master…

I also have to work alone, this is where we learn best. Just do not rush into things or skip any necessary steps.