Baron Kriminel

Im trying to locate a veve for Baron Kriminel or anything I can use to contact him.
He is said to be another aspect of Baron Samedi.
But I only find veve’s for (Samedi).
I want a direct like to Kriminel.
I’ve been told he wants to teach me necromancy.
He is associated with death and is very powerful and respected at that through fear. I can relate.
But I don’t know how to contact him I’ve never worked with the Loa.

Well, are you ready to allow yourself to possession because that´s exactly what you are going to get when you work with loa. That is their nature and they possesss a lot of power. Besides, the easiest way to call upon Baron Kriminiel is to call upon him through a crossroad, through Papa legba.

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I can handle possession. @H.L.Daniel

And I will speak to Papa Legba… He’s been trying to get my attention for a while.

All loas are called through Papa legba

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Yes i’ve done the research now… @H.L.Daniel I’ll be speaking with Legba tonight to initiate me into the current so I can be taught necromancy and work with Kriminel.

Thank you for the respond though… At least you help. @H.L.Daniel

You asked for this. I haven’t worked with him or any on the current beyond a passing meeting it just isn’t for me beyond a nod of respect on both sides. Do your research and make sure this is what you want first.


@anon47923162 Thank You…
It is ive just postponed it because I never knew how to go about starting necromancy.
And the Loa want to help me. So I will accept there offer. Ive done the research I understand what I am getting into.

Alright. I have a post dedicated to necromancy in that section. Might want to check it out atleast for these advice and preserving your body.

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You are welcome.

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I will Thank you. Again.

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