Banjax's Journal and other nonsense

I prefer to ramble to myself over camera rather than take notes.


“We are playing on Hard Level right now”. That makes me think of some Buddhist ideas off why we are lucky to be born into this realm of Samsara. Below us are the realms of the hungry ghosts and animals and the hell realms where there is no pleasure or understanding. Above us are the Godrealms of pure Bliss where there is no pain and motivation. Here and ONLY here do we have the right mix of pleasure and pain to be motivated to take a spiritual path to attain Nirvana.

In an occultist sense, here is where the conditions are right for us to actually be able to develop ourselves. Without hardships to overcome mixed with pleasurable motivations there is no drive and ability to develop into stronger and better versions of ourselves. Having everything you want at the snap of a finger makes complacency. Never being able to get anything you want creates hopelessness. In this realm, we have enough potential rewards, obstacles to overcome, pain to transform us, hope, and drive to strengthen and unleash our inner badasses.

Issues of “Gods in the flesh” aside, I do think you hit on some wisdom.


I like your journal and videos in general you have really cool energy. In your working with spirits video in particular I was just curious if you or someone else in the house with you was playing music? Around 11:00 there’s a sound in the background and I’m trying to figure out what it is. Sort of sounds like keyboards or like cats . There wasn’t any background noise in your video before then that’s why I’m curious


I had to listen to it a few times to figure it out, but there is a rather mundane explanation for that lol. I usually make these videos while my little one is napping, and for his naps I have a Lo-Fi station playing in his room to help him sleep. It was just a particularly loud song that came on at that time and my phone picked it up in the background :joy:


Ahh ok I figured there was probably a mundane explanation for it I always debunk that and then when you rule out all other possibilities whatever you’re left with however improbable is the solution


I started my YT channel too. Can I pm it to you??

Feel free, and I will take a look through as soon as I get a chance. :slight_smile:

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So chakras don’t exist huh, what is kundalini yoga about ?

What am I supposed to do with this information ?

So my daily yoga sequences are all bullshit, it doesn’t strengthen your aura at all?

This world is getting weirder and weirder, I feel like slipping into a black hole of nothingness and everything seems unreal. Everything is fake.

So what does the body has, what energy systems ? How do we define it?

Okay, time to take a breath. And pay close attention to what I am going to say here, because your fall into existential crisis is pretty clear.

They do not exist as permanent energetic structures. They exist as a translation tool for the mind and soul if one so chooses to utilize this tool. They are a subjective translation of spiritual coding, read in a particular language. If you learn this code you may use it and integrate it into you and your perception of others. But it is not the only code. Many do not speak it or choose not to use it. So they use a different translation in another language.

Chakras exist as much as you believe they do. If you utilize this tool, then they will benefit you. And you can use them, strengthen them, and use them to grow.

An example of what I am trying to convey can be seen in the many interpretations of the soul structure. The Norse say there are 9 parts of the soul. The Feri witches say 3. The Egyptians still believed in different ones. And many more example I am sure are out there. Are they all right? Wrong? Is one “more true” than another? Or is it all perspectives and tools used to categorize what we can’t comprehend into a tidy code we can understand and utilize?

So, @SpaceTravelr I hope this helps you understand what it is I am trying to convey.


So now that i have a moment. Lets talk aliens. I don’t advertise my dealings with them, but I don’t shy away either. And it seems they have come to inconvenience me again. Only this time I actually took pictures. A scoop mark on my shoulder and a ring shaped bruise on my arm. Neither of which were there yesterday. And typically it takes ones hell of a whallop to leave a bruise on my hide.

These are not the first marks they have left on me over the years, but the first I have bothered documenting at my wife’s suggestion. The bruise is circular and ring shaped, placed close to the last one they left that was identacal. The scoop is fully healed and was certainly not there yesterday.

I am just leaving this here to document the phenomenon. Especially with the media attention given to the cluster of lights sighted of the coast of my state, and I live close to the sighting itself. As well as the recent cattle mutilations on the other side of the country.


OOOOOOH!! Girl look at you!

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My nails are a mess, I know, but clearly I am still getting plenty of intergalactic attention :kissing_heart:

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Just found your utube channel. What you do is amazing.

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Thanks, man. I really appreciate that :slightly_smiling_face:

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The first half of this post was really interesting, I dunno what happened…

Well as long as you try your best that’s what counts lol

In today’s video I piss off everyone.


Awesome video Banjax. I always thought Lucifer was a title from the get go, something worn by many beings, just like Satan is a title.
This has definitely given me something to think about. I’m possessed by an infernal king and the name he’s given me is Lucifer, it’s an interesting puzzle to solve on who he really is and what.
I look forward to watching more of your videos, keep it up Banjax! :sunglasses:

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