Banishing Spell ASAP

I had to do a vanishing spell because the entity that was boarding my room, got a little too comfortable, so you know I had to do something about that. It got really mad. Did it’s best to blow out my ear drum but didn’t really accomplish anything. The entity left then came back and now is Leaving my bearded dragons shed in different places. Last night I was doing some jewelry making and I dropped a piece of wire onto the carpet. When I look for it, the wire is gone. VANISHED! Like it was never there. I searched everywhere for it. Anyways then the entity took my pliers so I had to go back to using my cheap one because it took my good one.Anyways then the entity took my pliers so I had to go back to using my cheap one because it took my good one. The handprints are gone but I don’t know which one is more annoying…:unamused: I did a banishing spell already and it didn’t work, what do I do next?


Call the Archangel Michael or the demon Murmur to come and kill it.


Get a white candle dress it with fiery wall of protection oil or some other protective oil. Think about what you want to be done.


Egyptian Incantation: Come to me, O Lord of Gods!
Drive far from me the lions coming from the earth, the crocodiles issuing from the river, the mouth of all biting reptiles coming out of their holes!
Stop, crocodile Mako, son of Set! Do not wave thy tail:
Do not work thy two arms:
Do not open thy mouth.
May water become as a burning fire before thee!
The spear of the seventy-seven gods is on thine eyes: The arm of the seventy-seven gods is on thine eye: Thou who fastened with metal claws to the bark of Ra, Stop, crocodile Mako, son of Set!

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When I feel like going old school, Sumerian does the trick most of the time. First, state your intent with purpose. Then, to the cardinal directions starting counter clockwise from the north, I karate chop an X and say banmaskim to each direction. Again from the north, this time I make the stop motion with my hand saying banrabishu to the 4 directions. Each time you say banmaskin and banrabishu, say it with force and anger like a pissed parent scolding a kid. I close it out by clenching the sky and pulling it down saying “My will was done” with a feeling of resolution.

Hasn’t failed me yet

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I think it worked pretty well, keep repeating and soon the entire room will be empty. Only this time set the intention for the entity to be gone, not your stuff.

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The reason I say state intent first because I wasn’t getting proper results until I realised those names and spirits behind them were to help fight rabisu and maskim WAY back when. But, when I started saying simple intent beforehand for the effect I wanted, then shit worked for me. Maybe that’s an effect only screwing with me, but, another “devil in the details” situation lol.

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Just did a archangel Michael prayer and one of my protective crystals from my windowsill vanished. I have salt on my windows, every corner of my room and bathroom. Salt in the doorways, crystals in every area.

Is there a prayer for murmur?

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I don’t know of one, but you should be able to just chant his enn, open his seal and give him the task. You can offer the spirit to him as a sacrifice.