Banishing entire home or just ritual space?

Banishing after a ritual is recommended, but it is up to you. Sometimes, a magician prefers to leave the energy of the summoned to hang around afterwards.

You can extend the banishing to include your entire house, rather than banishing room by room. For example, if you perform the LBRP, you can envision the circle extending around your entire house.


Great. I’ll start practicing to get the hang of it and get used to the wordings and phrases

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Banish throughout your entire home. :slight_smile:

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Especially in the beginning, remember I told you that you need to build protection, and pay close attention to ritual area. The more you do it, the more protection you have.

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I haven’t had to perform the lesser banishing ritual in some time, when you’re home feels right you will know. Set up charged wards, and do protection spells as often as you do spirit work. What you want to " see" in your mind, no matter what method you choose, is a protective shield around your space, vibrating positive energy. It takes awhile to visualize, but practice makes perfect. Just keep trying, and it will get easier.

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Absolutely👍 I’m actually trying to figure out the difference between warding the home and protecting the home. Maybe different names for the same thing? I understand to banish is one thing. But wards…idk, perhaps they’re explained in the books I’ll be receiving Wednesday.

I haven’t asked on here because I’ve asked many questions before the books were even shipped lol. Anything I’ll need elaborated I’ll ask afterwards though.

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There is no difference between warding your home and protecting your home. Warding is a form of protection.

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Oh ok. The various banishing rituals are essentially the wards. Warding/protection of the home or specific area.

Got it. Thanks

A ward is usually a sigil or servitor whose purpose is to detect, and repel, anything unwanted. It is a more passive form of protection than banishing.

Think of the banishing ritual like chasing the unwanted out of your house with a gun, and the wards as the lock on the doors and windows.

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That’s a precise analogy. I would set up wards throughout the home or room while banishing can be done before or after ritual. Makes more sense now.

Exactly. Warding is done to protect your home in a general way, for every day occurrences when you don’t need the firepower of a full on banishing ritual. It’s basically locking the door on the spirits that might wander by when you leave the house.

If something gets through the wards, that’s when you bust out the heavy artillery like the full on banishing rituals.

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Lol I see. As for the ward sigil or servitor, that’s something I would figure out on my own I’m guessing, since there are many.

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The thread I linked you to in PM has a walk through on setting up servitor type wards that you can follow.

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I’ll check. Hopefully it’s still there.

It is :slight_smile:

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This could be it i think

Yes, and part way down the initial post, you will find a link for the ward walk through.

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Yep, thanks got it :slightly_smiling_face: and will save it.

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warding is like a gated electrical fence to prevent others coming in. Banishing is like your maid escorting people out who’s already in the property. =o)


Warding is protecting, it’s just one way of doing it.

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