Baneful can be sickly sweet

The magick knife That I spoke about in previous posts has a very funny way of fucking with my foes.
When I forged it I used tie guanyin tea leaves, sugar and cinnamon as fuel for the flames. these items and more are ritually used for sweetening someone up.
So what do these items used in love magick offer to my blade in baneful magick?

Hehe, rather than answer that I’ll tell you tales of how a person acted after getting hit with it.

Victim 1- His baby cousin hugged and was affectionately clingy to him. A very good experience to victim 1. The baneful aspect of it is that he himself reported and acted very very tired after being hugged. Its like a hunny trap. He will continue to let himself be drained of his energy and be happy about it!

You reader, might ask whats so baneful about that. What makes this branch of baneful magick so good is that he doesn’t suspect any sort of energetic foul play or health issue. He just thinks he was overwhelmed by affection not noticing how dangerously tired he was in my some-what hazardous workplace.
what I most love about this magick is that the victim does not have any violent outbursts. what I mean by that is when I cursed victim 1 before using this magick knife, there were many days he came into work noticeably angry and foul mouthed. He cursed at me and/or other co-worker very badly depending on the day.
But after using this brand of dark magick on him he just peacefully and lovingly seems to age into death.

If It is allowed by the forum to moralize My Own actions in my own Post , the reason I am trying too remove victim 1 is because he is partly responsible for overworking me and other though we are underpaid severely for our work. Like overworking us to the point of both of us having accidents needing to go to the clinic.
Aside from that ,is him treating us <20 year olds without respect. aadding to the latter is that he sexualizes us with very vulgar language without our consent then gaslighting us as having fragile masculinity, or hes just joking, or some other bullshit.