Balg Shapeshifting Video March 2015

In the youtube video posted today EA made a couple of interesting comments. Near the end of the video he said;

“…you start finding that your human self starts to die and something else starts to re-awaken inside of you.”

This first comment I quite identify with. At least it certainly feels that way at times. It reminds me of a quote from a book I read called The Black Ship written by a member of the Temple of Set:

“…the energies within us are Alien”

Beautifully simple and spot on. After a while of doing the work it is like playing host to an internalized alien presence. This is what I generally refer to as demonic symbiosis, the quid pro quo relationship between the human host and the EBE attachment, or at least what seems like one.

EA also said:

“I worked with a group, a left hand path temple, who…one of their goals was to reactivate and put into a position of dominance the reptilian brain.”

That is very interesting and in my mind relates to the first comment I posted from the video. To use bodybuilding as an illustration, through work one can change the physical form, shape and appearance of the body. The changes grow from within and rise to the surface in the form of larger well-defined muscles. What if types of ritual work alter the brain in a similar fashion, perhaps not in a tangible sense that could be measured through a brain scan or anything but somehow made something like the aforementioned reptilian brain stronger. What if that caused the individual to think he or she was melding with an external being when it could be that one has simply activated an aspect, albeit a powerful aspect, of one’s psyche that seems alien or external but is actually a part of oneself that has been dormant, sort of like resurrecting an atavistic part of oneself with a growth hormone?

(What if that caused the individual to think he or she was melding with an external being when it could be that one has simply activated an aspect, albeit a powerful aspect, of one’s psyche that seems alien or external but is actually a part of oneself that has been dormant, sort of like resurrecting an atavistic part of oneself with a growth hormone?)

I believe that is actually what happens. In the same way it happens to people who have been struck by lightning die and come back.
It also happens to some epileptics. Some say it has been an encounter with an alien beings, others say it was an angel. etc…

From what I understand, if you shapeshift into something you already are what your shapeshifting into, your just bringing it into observable reality.

Ever since my yogic experiences I’ve been aware “human” is just a role.

Even before that, doing healing for friends and strangers online, I’d see incredible differences in people’s spiritual make-up and spiritual court of guardians etc.

Even animals have this.

Meanwhile the mundane sciences are catching up with the idea DNA isn’t a fixed set of instructions:

This is the best video he’s ever done.

I want to point out that what he’s saying about possession magic is exactly what I’ve been calling “talismanic magic.” I know a lot of you have been tuning me out because words like “talisman” make your eyes glaze over, but what I’m saying is that the whole key to Western style magic is possession of physical objects which anchors the spirit continuously to the physical plane. Crowley and the Golden Dawn tried to substitute Eastern methods, where you build up and use your own energy to charge the spirit, but that method is more time-consuming and difficult and doesn’t seem to work as well, which is probably what the spirit Crowley was channelling in the Book of the Law was telling him when it said he was making a mistake attempting to unify Eastern and Western techniques, or words to that effect.

I do have more to say I about the shape-shifting stuff later, but I really wanted to mention this because I’m finding possession work to be a massive game-changer for me. I’m getting bigger results easier and faster, at an accelerating pace, just from switching my focus from general spell-throwing/evocation to constructing physical talismans.

This makes sense - my personal take on it is this:

  1. you’re giving the non-physical an entry into the physical world by giving it a base (and all the old systems used some kind of idol, even if it was an obelisk or cube, or sacred grove);

  2. as you do that, you, at the centre of your universe, are using your INTENT to CREATE the first stage of physical manifestation of your desired outcome.

You’re getting the ball rolling, for your desired outcome to go from your mind into concrete manifestation, right from your own godself.