BALG Lonely Hearts Club 🌺

Hey, All,

i just want to post a quick warning to any woman who may open herself up in this thread. There is someone sexually attacking women on the forum via magick.

I only know of this because I myself received some fallout due to my acquaintance with some of those thus attacked. Fortunately for me, it wasn’t a direct assault and my protection detail handled it, but there was still a minimal effect on my relationship. The effect on my acquaintances was far worse.

This is the first time I have been directly affected by this kind of shit, and I am not the kind to keep quiet about it. This forum is supposed to be a safe place for magicians of all types, experienced and new, white mage or black mage.

Be careful with who you open up to on the internet. There are a lot of assholes out there lurking behind their keyboard anonymity who do not have good intentions.


Yeah, let’s have some common sense and nobody getting hysterical or anything, if people want to meet or share intimate details, practice the exact same precautions you would meeting total strangers anywhere else, because our community, like any other, may have predators amongst either active members or lurkers.


Well than hey ho, hey ho but its off to the celibacy i shall go :smile: (a little joke) :slight_smile:


Nice. I am taken but my lady doesnt share my occultist views. So? Not with a witch.

Some outside the official channels have asked Me to tone down what I said. I will not.

If you don’t crave being a full on slave and altar slut then go fid a vanilla.

If you want this like a vampire wants blood. If you want this like you have taken the vampires bite and walked away from the vanilla world proudly then you should come into My world.

Two people asked if I am also DrknessNC of fetlife and Collarspace. Yes I am.

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I’m down to one of…I’m not a man hoe no moe

I am so single

Hey, I’m 20, male (also LGBTQ, but don’t wanna share publicly). I hail from Illinois.

Practice LHP, sigil magick, and anything else really that I want to explore/need at any given moment.

Single Physically, not Spiritually though.


The one time I decide to pull an Artemis and then this thread pulls up. Of course. :joy:

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Ooo, this is an interesting concept! I think I’ll add in here, just to meet new people.

Amazing idea! @FraterMagni Thanks a lot! If any want to talk about our magick path or whatever you want, write me.

Hmm I’m 24, female, from Toronto, Canada. Anyone wanna meet up? Lolllll


Welcome! Always open to meet new people! @Goetia_experiences_a

I am also near Toronto but won’t be able to meet with anyone for a while. Sorry :frowning_face:

Thank you :slight_smile: are you in toronto?

Why is that? :0

Venezuela =)

Oh nice! Never been before :stuck_out_tongue:

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Nice to meet you!

Something to do with this

I became from good puppy :dog: that I use to be friendly i turned into a wild wolf :wolf: and I don’t really enjoy the company of others anymore :man_shrugging: I spend my time all alone in my rented house with no family, I see a human being almost every 2 or 3 weeks and I feel like i am about to growl or hiss like a wild animal i feel annoyed. Could be because of the these dark spirits around me

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