Balam ~

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The heiroglyph that looks like an arm on Ra’s heiroglyph , on my arm just like that I have three red dots like orions belt and they point to another big red dot. .just like orions belt points to Aldebaran


I also get those target marks on me. That are part of his heiroglyph …I go to the Dr thinking I’ve been bitten by a spider or Lyme disease the test for Lyme disease came back negative and they can never tell me something bit me.

Yet ever few months I get targets on me.

I believe it is a connection to Ra.

I believe it’s the feminine aspect of Ra…

If you look at the heiroglyphs in this goddess s
I have all the marks.


wow…that’s super cool!

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I’m freaking out here, I know this is an old post but I had a dream just the other night and in it Balam’s name was mentioned as a good spirit to learn from and that he made you “appear red”!? Now I understand, I even had the name Aldebaran come up mentally as a random word and that is his home, a large, red star! This is crazy and I don’t know what it means :star2::flushed:

My experience with King Balam yesterday

  • In one of my goetic books, I just randomly flipped through the pages and stopped at King Balam. Not thinking at all on which spirit to select.
  • Read up on his attributtes, etc to get context of his powers
  • drew his sigil onto parchment paper w/ enn on the back and my request
  • performed ritual for approx an hour meditating, opening, closing, etc
  • last night i had multiple dreams related to a person who has been causing me issues. and each time I woke up with perfect recall of the dream. I interpreted the whole sequence as past, present and future of said person and my relationship.
  • while I’m improving with dream recall, this was def abnormal in terms of clarity and consistency. it was like seeing the future via one’s dreams.

Lirach tasa vefa wehl Balam
Hail King Balam

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