
“You are wild and arrogant. Still playing it safe. Remember that the magicians you seek to be like and more than have taken the plunge. They dove head first into the lake of fire. If success in this endeavor is what you seek… Sooner or later you will too.”

  • The words of Bael to me.

I started working with his sigil yesterday and despite my continued back pain, my energy is already significantly more potent than it has been, but I can already tell that this is going to be a journey. Working toward my goals from one master to another. I plan to work with all the demonic Kings sooner or later. Doing whatever I need to in order to get what I want.

Has anyone else worked with Bael? What can I expect?

So it’s been a few days with this “Demon” and he seems like anything but. He has an almost stern yet festive air. Being able to speak with just my thoughts is great although sometimes I have trouble telling which thoughts are mine and which are him speaking, but he is there to remind me.

If you are looking for a guide towards greater wisdom especially… Bael is a great entity to work with. I don’t know where it will go from here, but he has already given me more patience and wisdom than I could have ever hoped for. I’m actually able to keep my anger under control now.

Fantastic! :slight_smile:

I love him very much, he’s been amazing in guiding me with things, good to hear other people having the same kind of experiences with him.

[quote=“Lady Eva, post:3, topic:6512”]Fantastic! :slight_smile:

I love him very much, he’s been amazing in guiding me with things, good to hear other people having the same kind of experiences with him.[/quote]

He is definitely devoted to growth and wisdom. I originally went to him because I want real, genuine supernatural power, but came to find that those things come later. He has been one of my best teachers thus far and its been less than a week.