hey all.
anyone worked with babalon energy? i’m considering walking this path for a while as crowley and jack parsons did, but to be perfectly frank, i’m terrified of the implications.
after the Lake of Fire, i’ve had this incredible desire to go even deeper and throw myself completely into the lunacy of it all, but at the moment it feels as though i’m being dragged kicking and screaming towards my destiny. it’s been an incredible stress on me physically, psychologically and emotionally, but it feels as though i’m more aligned than ever with the ebb and flow of the universe.
to this end, it almost feels as though i’m in the world, but not of the world, as the saying goes. there’s a cold detachment to my life and even my own ego, but in turn, that makes me feel objectified and as a result, a little reckless with what i will now do with myself.
i’ve clearly entered a spiral but i don’t know where it’s taking me. on the one hand i feel a magnetism toward daemonic currents which has always served me well (albeit never to this extreme) and i’m honestly at a loss as to whether or not i should resist. i don’t want to, as i’m curious as to where this is going to take me, but i can’t help but think on the risks of this kind of path. is there a fine line one can walk, or has that line been left far, far behind? if so, where am i, where am i going, and what will the end result be? rebirth? transmutation? alchemy? or something far less appealing?
if anyone has experience being in this deep and going this hard at their Art, or any experience with working with the energies of babalon, advice and opinions would be greatly appreciated. and, quickly too, please, as my descent seems to be accelerating.
kind regards, james.