Azek Journal

Day 7& 8.

Day 7.-
Not a lot of time to practice this day.
30 min light meditation: Not a lot to say, just good relaxation.

Day 8.-
2h 30m (2x1h. 1x30M) Mesh ka rel:
I think having a day off really put things in place. In one of 1h set I heard a voice that was alien for me. Im really accostumed to hear my own inner voice so this was a really great surpise.
I still keep feeling my aura expanding.

2h 30m (2x1h. 1x30m) Va la veem:
The three sessions got me into trance, the improvement is clear as far as being concious to see when im in that state with this mantra.
Also I kept feeling like I was being listened when chanting it and feeling like I was connecting with something.

Day 9.-

1h mesh ka rel
30m Va la veem.
30m Indigo candle meditation.
35m Gusion enn. I found this demon really interesting and started chanting his enn. Felt this really intense energy coming towards me.