Azazel says to, "take a trip to the world under the sun", during channeling, not sure what he means

He says it’s not the earth, for one.

Black sun? That could be hell. But he needs to give you more. Most realms/worlds have a light source we would call a sun. I wonder if you can get more details or you are in for an adventure.

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There are many suns

A world of pure unrelenting sun. A place of life made ajenda. (No clue what that means, but the J is supposed to be there and it’s not a cipher. It might be in another language?)

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maybe @C.Kendall may know. He has been initiated into all suns

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C.Kendal has also worked with Azazel, more importantly, having him in his body.


try looking through those suns

Oh evoke Archangel Ariel this seems like something that is up her alley. She is all about nature and such. I am sure she can help.


Ask Azazel to guide you

try this sigil

Little bit too hard on me rn? I need to go do this thing, but he says to do it with Lucifer, as it’s his incantation.

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oh i see. Evoke lucifer

God my body feels weird

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I think this is a personal journey thing.

What are you feeling?

Heat. But I believe it’s a guided one, though I have many others to go on.

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Start with Ariel she knows a lot about life being worlds.

She also works really well with both Azazel and Lucifer. I obviously use her a lot given my career path, but I have used her simultaneously with both Azazel and Lucifer.

This could very well be a visit all living giving world kind of thing.

I almost get some…alternate dimension vibes xD

But ya this probably a personal journey thing and it may not be something you understand until you are in the moment.

I guess I understand it? Weird sun layers

I sat before his throne, he materialized himself there. He picked me up, almost threateningly (reminding me of how Hist seems threatening but he’s really just helping.)

He nonchalauntly blows a pull of flames at me that envelop me, and I see my form become black or like… something. Like all that was normal before was a projection, or it was altered in a black lense. IT was weird. My aura burned with flames, and I saw myself blinking, kind of as if I was changing or being altered?

Weird shit ended up happening. A lot of energy shifts, and I was on this weird ball pit of stones and gems. He says, “Find yours.”
I eventually find orange crystals that seem like they’re fire/solar based? Then he says we’re done.

God my experiences make no sense to anyone else.


The path never ceases to amaze, bro. I’ve had some wild experiences as well that its hard to express even to like-minded practicioners.

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