Just got done evoking Azazel and it was awesome.
I listened to a YouTube enn recitation with his sigil. No idea why, but at first, while trying to be serious and get into the meditation, I kept laughing hysterically like a crazy person. I looked at his sigil and started laughing for no reason.
So after 10 minutes I was able to stop fooling around and get to business.
At first I vibrated his name. I did so several times. Afterwards I repeatedly whispered his name and there he was.
When he first entered the room my head got “shakey”. That usually happens when a spirit is evoked, but with him it was very very shaky, as if the left half of my brain is trying to go right and the right part of my brain is going left.
I was also able to maintain that state and talk with him, which never happened before.
I can’t hear spirits nor see them yet, at least not regularly as was the case this time as well.
But my heart chakra is very powerful and that’s how I navigate.
I wanted to know of my nephilim ancestry.
When Azazel first entered the room it was like I knew him from a past life. Like a happy uncle coming back after being away for a few years.
I got insecure midway because I couldn’t hear a clear answer, so I asked “Would you think it’s an insult if I identify as a Nephilim?”
And he got somewhat angry. Not in a “I will punch you” way but more in a “Not at all, how dare you suggest that?” way.
I later thanked him for coming and that was it.
This was by far the most energetically powerful evokation I ever had. His energy was so powerful I could feel it pushing against me. I would also like to add that he appeared pretty quickly. Usually takes me maybe 20-30 minutes to get into the state I described earlier. This time it took me around 10 minutes, so the idea that a person of Nephilim ancestry is able to summon and communicate with the Watchers more easily seems to be true, when comparing it to my other experiences.
I apologize if I worded things weirdly. I can’t really explain it, but I try my best.