
My daughter has autism. On so many levels she is brilliant. However she struggles immensely with speech. I’ve cast spells to help her and she has learned how to read, write, tell time, do math but she still cannot talk very well. She loves when I light candles and helping me smudge. She’s very intuitive. Is there anything else I can do to help her? I’m not expecting her autism to go away (it’s part of what makes her unique), but I’d like her to have a standing chance at living a great life.


This might help.

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She is a very picky eater. I’ve looked extensively into modifying her diet and do the best I can. She’s attending a feeding clinic.


Hey, I have mild Aspergers. I have small struggles with speech, but great at debating.

In school kids will probably bully her for her condition, but I shut their mouths with my grades and my personality. If she keeps doing her, the whole world will be at her feet.


Be patient. She will speak better later. She will be brilliant in school. Mine didn’t speak really till she was around 4 and now she’s a little math genius, one of the best in class


Working with any of the mercurial spirits who govern communication & eloquence may help, and that includes the Archangel Raphael, angel of healing (who many of us find is willing to work with non-Christians, anti-Christians even, and people who follow pagan paths or profess to atheism).

Other related spirits include (but not limited to):

☿ Mercury
☿ Hermes
☿ Thoth/Dhjuty
☿ Óðinn

… probably lots more, but those are the ones you’ll find the most info on, in order to begin making contact, because they have modern-day cult followings, are adepts at magick themselves, and patrons of magicians, and are also classical gods with substantial amounts of academic study devoted to their earliest manifestations and the ways in which they were honoured. Their Wikipedia pages are a good start for that final area, and will give you a solid background to explore more.

If you’re trying to plan ahead, it would be no bad thing to intend to start on Wednesday (Wodan’s Day, Mercredi - Mercury’s Day) next week, but you can begin at any time, some people just prefer to use specific days to at least begin a piece of work.


Thank you!

Kek seems to have a fondness for the autistic. My son was not talking and it concerned me because I was carrying on entire conversations with a middle school vocabulary when I was 16 months old but my son was not talking and he was already 3. So I felt something was wrong until my mother described my little brother.
When my little brother was a child he wouldn’t talk untill almost 3. My mother went on to explain that my little brother didn’t actually need to talk because I would talk for him. My mother told me that she would ask me what he wanted and I would tell them he wants juice or a diaper change or some cereal etc. Since my parents relied on my telepathic interpretation of what my brother wanted he didn’t develop his speaking skills until later. I discovered this to be the same situation with my son as I just responded to his telepathic requests and once I started to force him to speak he began to develop his vocabulary. Now he is 4 and can carry on a conversation. The mind of the autistic just functions a little different and one must cater to that. My cousin Edward is a brilliant genius but also autistic. He learned how to behave as a normal person, how to act the part and although he may not be able to verbalize his thoughts he can write them and when he does it’s like talking to Newton or Einstein, the eloquence and perfection of language in the written form is unparalleled but he can barely order dinner at a restaurant. He’s a genius of a different kind and I believe your child is the same. Autism is simply another way of being and should not be considered disability since it often opens the door to amazing abilities normies do not possess.


Thank you for the kind words! I do think that she relies on telepathy to communicate. She’s very intuitive.

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Exactly! Her primary mode of communication is telepathy and you should definitely encourage it but also she will begin to realize that she needs to use words for communication with the normies and she is with the right parent for the job :wink: Cheers!

My brother-in-law didn’t speak verbally until he was five or six, but he communicated telepathically with his older brother flawlessly until then. The two of them would always startle the adults around them for the strange meshing of minds they had. Don’t force anything, she will choose when it’s time to speak.

Besides, her not speaking causes others to give her the power of their attention. Teach her to act in love, and the times love comes back to her will outweigh the times it doesn’t. She will learn to use her own unique power in her own time :slight_smile:


I knew a lot of kids like that (in fact I have asburger syndrome and I still sometimes struggle with speech especially when reading. I tend to stutter and occasionally “dumb down” my speech). Usually speech gets better with time and practice. Many autistic people love to talk about what they like. Maybe you can talk about the science of candles or how they are made as you’re lighting them, if she likes candles that much, and she gets practice speaking if you make it a conversation. Throwing it out there because many severely autistic people I knew loved to talk about things that interest them.

Diet also helps. I’m not sure how true this is for specifically autistic kids but those with asburger syndrome sometimes have a mood-based reaction to things like dairy. I can’t eat processed soy and I have to watch out for corn syrup because those things negatively affect my mood. Usually autistic children learn slower or even worse if they are around something or eating something (food or medicine) that affects their mood, so that’s a good thing to watch out for. I know from both experience and observation.

Basically use a lot of positive reinforcement and watch out for things that upsets her so she can feel safe and good when she’s trying to communicate. This works with a lot of things, not just speaking.