Attracting fuck boys

I seem to be attracting a lot of fuck boys and I vowed to stay away from them as I dont wanna go another heartbreak. Is there a spell to cut this repeating situation?


Do you have any attraction spells currently going on that are worded in a way that doesn’t exclude them? You might want to break those and recast.

Same goes for online dating profiles, there’s ways to design them so that they attract different kinds of people: use them as a message to your audience not just an advert of you. Like never doing nudes, even avoiding full body pics until the conversation starts, and dropping the convo with the ones who ask for nudes or what position you like, that’s the obvious stuff. Looking a bit traditional doesn’t hurt when your target audience are basically more traditional. The fuckboys judge you on the full body pic so, no pic = a low effort first PM you can ignore.

And then layer in a warding that specifically repels casual sex seekers and allows through those looking for long term, who have the values you admire and want, like protectiveness, commitment, steady, thoughtful, deliberate, family man etc. etc.

Keep it positive and avoid things like “not impulsive, not overemotional, doesn’t think with his dick” etc. etc. :joy: The universe is bad at hearing negatives, because when you say that, you’re thinking about the negative behaviour, which adds that energy to the magick, so you want that far out of your mind when listing values.

I would attach both that attraction spell, and that ward as a construct to a phrase for an online profile that you include at the bottom, like, I don’t know, “I like long, romantic walks on the beach” and to a talisman disguised as a nice pendant for going out.
It doesn’t matter what the words are, so you can make it look like an icebreaker or some common regular part of your profile: the magick will attach to anything. It’s basically turning a sentence into a sigil. There’s no rule that says sigils have to be round and squiggly :slight_smile:


I dont have any love spells currently active. They actually showed up at my house (3 guys who work as delivery) one of them was super attractive and waaay out of my league, he was acting cute and charming even though I looked like a hag,I looked him up online and he has a girlfriend :dotted_line_face: I have given up dating apps. Too many pervs over there, I lasted 30 minutes on an app :grimacing:


Oh geez, I feel kinda sorry for her then, dudes been getting ideas from porn again. :smiley:

Maybe fish in a pool that attracts more traditional guys, like take classes for skills, martial arts, go to the gym more. There’s a chance they’ll all be married already but from there you can make friends, get invited to things, and meet people they know who will be available. Basically find your niche in society with better people.

And at that point you can do workings to attract friends first to get in with the right crowd where your perfect dude will be hanging out, get your subconscious to nudge you and draw your attention to the right classes, places and environments that will work. Not bars, wine cellars and wine tasting events, maybe not the gym, but krav maga, they have to be there for the event not for pickup opportunities.


I have a general attraction spell in mind but I am waiting for the full moon. I’ve done a similar in the past and I kept bumping into look a likes which they all were again fuckboys :pleading_face:


Dating apps, Swipe left right ruining real meaning of dating. I was on some dating apps but it was so frustrating experience. Ghosting/Hookup has become new normal.
While ago i worked on attracting energies which helped me to gain some power, make myself look more desirable and other things, results were great and surprising. But then i became very picky.

I am done with dating apps for good. Men here think they will say hi and we will get instantly turned on for sex. I saw plenty of wieners for a life time :grimacing:

You are not alone, I have few single female friends they all facing the same. Esp the one living in big cities like NYC etc.
Just don’t give up. There are good and bad people everywhere. But fact is most of men don’t know how to deal with woman and what do they want. They don’t want to invest time, emotions, energy to learn about each other.

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I live on an island in Greece and here everyone kinda knows everyone and from what I have seen the larger percentage are coocoo bananas or fuck boys :grimacing:

Interesting! And lucky you. I hope life is simple there.
Dating is no longer fun and easy anymore. I live nearby Philadelphia and women face the same challenges here too.
Keep looking, i am sure by now you have learned enough about traits of these kind people. Sooner or later you’ll find one. Just set your boundaries.

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Nah it is not but we get by. A lot of unemployment, criminal activity etc

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@Hioloi_LP Please do not derail this thread with identity politics or moralising. If you feel a group, such as “men in general” has been attacked violating the rules, please use the flag system to request mod review.

However in this case “men” in general are not the subject, but a working to avoid certain types of people that are not the OPs personal preference. Please remember we have a rule for what we call “working threads” we do not derail those by questioning the OPs reasons or motives:

If you have something constructive to add that is on topic for the OP please feel free to post it! :smiley:

I think on the chap book daemonic love by magick by S Connolly there is a spell to attract a soul mate.

You may not believe in soul mate thing but the general concept is to attract a long term partner. She uses Rosier for this you may give it a try.

Also there is one book about genius rituals I forgot the author but the system he uses is somehow similar to Damon brand master protection ritual.

It has a ritual for attracting serious relationship if that is what you’re looking up.

I think attraction spells on your case is not a good choice it will continue to attract the fuck boys …

But using demons like Rosier, sallos, Astarte it may help to get what you need.

Ball Pamela too has a book, I think it’s called greater book of spells or something like that… She has spell to attract a serious relationships too and her spells work at least for me.

Anyway good luck :slightly_smiling_face:

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Maybe you’re unattractive to anyone but fuck boys and could use some work in self improvement, as you’ll tend to attract as the rule the same patterns you’ll be thinking of all the time. What exactly is a fuck boy anyway?

Isn’t that insult alone quite the turn off to someone high in self respect and private class worth speaking of?

Aside from checking whether you’ve got the salt for this craft of magick and love spells or not, I’d say that refining the statement of intent was an adequate solution, both already mentioned as well as adequately reinforced by those majority replies herein. I’d start right there… Hell my own love and attraction spells would benefit from the same forms of reworking, because I’ve only attracted Christians who can’t deal with occult philosophers who aren’t buying into Christian narrative about the occult. What’s wrong with me in trying to give advice to strangers when I’ve attracted exactly what I can’t stand for long.

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Specifically, someone only looking for NSA (“no strings attached”), meaning, one night stands and/or hookups, PUAs (pick up artists), that sort of thing, who will possibly lie about their motivations to get laid. It’s a common term in certain circles.

Isn’t that insult alone quite the turn off to someone high in self respect and private class worth speaking of?

It’s not an insult as much as a descriptor: this is a well known thing in online communities where dating is a subject, and these guys know exactly who they are, and they’re usually proud of their “numbers”. Form them dating is a means to and end, and it’s all about the novelty and variety. I don’t see it as a bad thing but normal, and there’s an audience for this, which is not the OP.

However, this situation is not about written dating profiles but in person interactions, and nobody asks the delivery guy “hey, are you a fuckboi, if not, let’s get dinner?”

Otherwise, yes, one hopes so! If a person identifies with that term it would be exactly what’s wanted here for them to decide they are not interested.

@Snow88 That makes me think though, if the issue here is that these guys were only up for NSA but lied to you or misled you about their aims and level of seriousness, then a working for truthfulness and transparently in new partners might help?


Heck yes, a working to install honesty and to expose deceptive maneuvering could be a good play here. I’ve been called a fuckboy several times, btw and I guess now I know what that means. Thanks

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You need to cleanse and get the murky energy off your aura. There’s a lot of science in energetics for all genders so I get it


I thought a banishing spell was a cleansing spell. Fuck boys you could dominate like on Stripchat. Create an Amazon wish list so they buy you stuff.

If you’re doing Magick, are you being specific?