Attacks during lucid dream experience

So I took about a 2 year break from my practice to get my head on straight and dissolve any belief systems that no longer serve me. Recently I have had a series of dreams that I believe are a sign to bring me back into the fold.

Dream 1: Started out walking around a village but turned lucid when I went to look at a hole in the ground “off script”. Then two dog sized bees led me to a street and flew away. On one side of the street was a digital sign like the kind outside of churches. In the sign was the eye of providence made up of swirls of all different colors. Then a very loud whispering voice saying “they are telling you lies” over and over. After this I saw my best friend and a pink crucifix appeared in the sky behind him and the whole sky was also a different shade of pink. We said our goodbyes and i woke up

Dream 2: I am not sure when I became lucid in this one but I was at a house. I had a feeling that it belonged to my grandfather but I know he never owned a house like it during his lifetime. Anyways, I made my way to an outside wall where there was a compartment and began to pull all of these drugs from inside. All of a sudden behind me was a man dressed like a government agent. He started telling me about how these drugs were put into the streets to change people’s brain chemistry in order to prepare the world to be run by women. His words started to come out faster and faster until it was just a jumble. This freaked me out a bit so I forced myself to wake up. The jumble of words continued even after I woke up so I did a quick banishing.

Dream 3: I woke up from a dream and immediately went back to sleep, the moment I closed my eyes I saw a figure made of golden light kneeling and facing to the left in the scene. He was on a platform of stone and the sun was setting in the sky behind him. As soon as i saw this, a voice said “Hello again my name and I felt a weird sensation in my back. I came out of the dream and as I was lying in bed i felt like I was being held down and heard something like a chainsaw. I was able to fight free of this physically and lay in bed for a time. A voice told me not to go back to sleep so I got up.

I feel like I am being pulled in some direction here but I don’t know how to feel about any of these dreams. If anyone can help with interpretation of these dreams I would appreciate it