Attacked by a succubus?

The following will be quite explicit:

Around two months ago, I had a friend who took me to a brothel. It was in a different country and the culture there accepted going to brothels with your male friends. Anyways, I didn’t really care for the experience, it was whatever. After I gone home, which was just a day after the brothel experience( farewell gift ), I entered sleep paralysis, this shadowy female entity,who resembled the girl from the ring, forced herself on me and I could feel her intense sucking. I actually snapped out of paralysis and grabbed her arm which was solid, I felt her thin arms. I let go and fell back asleep.

This second time was recent, I was napping on the sofa when again, I enter paralysis. This time the entity had a white glow and it took my moms appearance, it gave me a rimjob and was grabbing my dick. Obviously, I had huge resistance to it this time because it took the shape of my mom…
I woke up very angry, this is some kind of spiritual rape, and although I have nothing against sex with a succubus, this thing is seriously fucking with me by taking on the forms of creepy ghosts and my mom. What the fuck is going on?

So what are you asking? Why she’s doing this to you? How to get rid of her? or how to reign her in and use her for your own benefit?

I have no experience with a succubus. The closest that I worked with are the water nymphs or fairies. I was never interested with the idea of subjugating a succubus. I want know why it’s bothering me. I believe all things happen for a reason and I would like to know what caused this or these two entities to come into my life unprovoked and uninvited.

[quote=“MSXY, post:1, topic:8811”]The following will be quite explicit:

Around two months ago, I had a friend who took me to a brothel. It was in a different country and the culture there accepted going to brothels with your male friends. Anyways, I didn’t really care for the experience, it was whatever. After I gone home, which was just a day after the brothel experience( farewell gift ), I entered sleep paralysis, this shadowy female entity,who resembled the girl from the ring, forced herself on me and I could feel her intense sucking. I actually snapped out of paralysis and grabbed her arm which was solid, I felt her thin arms. I let go and fell back asleep.

This second time was recent, I was napping on the sofa when again, I enter paralysis. This time the entity had a white glow and it took my moms appearance, it gave me a rimjob and was grabbing my dick. Obviously, I had huge resistance to it this time because it took the shape of my mom…
I woke up very angry, this is some kind of spiritual rape, and although I have nothing against sex with a succubus, this thing is seriously fucking with me by taking on the forms of creepy ghosts and my mom. What the fuck is going on?[/quote]
did you summon the succubus? maybe she has a boss, perhaps lilith.

No, I did not summon it. The whole experience can only be described as rape because I was in a state of paralysis. To make it worst the enitity tried to make it so I was repulsed by it. I can only assume it gains pleasure by making me feel disgusted by its appearance.

I can relate to people who have experienced sex with an astral being now because it was no doubt more intense than any physical sexual encounter. But again, They were very uncomfortable scenarios for me, both of the time.

[quote=“MSXY, post:5, topic:8811”]No, I did not summon it. The whole experience can only be described as rape because I was in a state of paralysis. To make it worst the enitity tried to make it so I was repulsed by it. I can only assume it gains pleasure by making me feel disgusted by its appearance.

I can relate to people who have experienced sex with an astral being now because it was no doubt more intense than any physical sexual encounter. But again, They were very uncomfortable scenarios for me, both of the time.[/quote]
do you work with any spirits?


Like I said, the closest are the water nymphs. Mainly with Styx for physical empowerment when I was still playing rugby in high school. This was years ago though. I can kind of relate the succubus with water nymphs but I believe they still have a fundamental difference. I avoided succubus because I always saw them as a leech to your most potent sexual energy, while the nymphs do the opposite. so that’s was why I worked with them.

It doesn’t really explain why this happened to me.

[quote=“MSXY, post:7, topic:8811”]@Dragoncrow

Like I said, the closest are the water nymphs. Mainly with Styx for physical empowerment when I was still playing rugby in high school. This was years ago though. I can kind of relate the succubus with water nymphs but I believe they still have a fundamental difference. I avoided succubus because I always saw them as a leech to your most potent sexual energy, while the nymphs do the opposite. so that’s was why I worked with them.

It doesn’t really explain why this happened to me.[/quote]
well when it comes to finding out why, i dont know how to help you

but the reason i asked you if there were any spirits you work with, is so that maybe they can help you fuck off the succubus so it doesnt happen again

mmm. Haven’t really worked with any spirit for a while. Lucifer was my go to guy for everything but he always creates even more turbulence in my life for the sake of growing me. To be honest I am tired of calling on spirits to do anything because I become too ungrounded and out of touch with reality. Nowadays, I only practice visualization and bring things into my life with a simple request to the universe instead of speeding up the process via a medium such as a spirit.

But you are right, I might have to seek help from a spirit. I certainly will if I get another attack.

You did invite it into your life, most likely subconsciously. One of the things that can make a succubus and incubus hard to handle is sometimes they will go out of their way to show us the darkest parts of our minds. I’ve had the same experience as you and many more that are much worse with the demoness Naamah, but that’s a bottomless pit of depravity and horror that you probably don’t want to know about;) If you are not interested or ready to go down that road, Do a cleansing of yourself and your home and give it no more thought. Also keep in mind as magicians we become magnets for all kinds of spirits whether we like it or not sometimes, one of the side effects of what we do. Nothing to be afraid of as long as you remember your in control.

[quote=“MSXY, post:9, topic:8811”]mmm. Haven’t really worked with any spirit for a while. Lucifer was my go to guy for everything but he always creates even more turbulence in my life for the sake of growing me. To be honest I am tired of calling on spirits to do anything because I become too ungrounded and out of touch with reality. Nowadays, I only practice visualization and bring things into my life with a simple request to the universe instead of speeding up the process via a medium such as a spirit.

But you are right, I might have to seek help from a spirit. I certainly will if I get another attack.[/quote]

i love lucifer. he and i are close for many reasons. he may be a good idea.

if you can scry try scrying for the boss of the sucubbus. maybe it works under someone like lilith, who could also remove it for you

try saging before bed. wards.


Lol, I don’t think I am going to the boss of all succubi to request being left alone by them. That’s like talking to the Malfia boss and asking for one of his henchmen to lay off me.

i disagree. this is different. if one of lucifers familiars started to just randomly attack me with no reason, he would fuck them off.

now lets say the sucubbus works under lilith per se, lilith aint gonna put up with that shit, she’ll snatch the lil bitch by her hair and take her out of there

another thing. there are multiple bosses of succubi

I respect Lilith greatly for I believe she is the true embodiment of the most divine female. She is the women who wasn’t born of man and does not bow to any man. Instead she has the mentality of a feminist and will enslave men and corrupt them as a retaliation for the masculine energy that is out of control in modern age.

Now, with that said, as a man, I try to avoid any contact with Lilith because she is not an entity that will tolerate my sexual promiscuity with women and could actually be the initiator of the attack because she seeks punishment on my behaviour.

So again, all respect to Lilith but I pray to the universe that she never tries to retribute me and cut off my manhood someday.

[quote=“MSXY, post:16, topic:8811”]I respect Lilith greatly for I believe she is the true embodiment of the most divine female. She is the women who wasn’t born of man and does not bow to any man. Instead she has the mentality of a feminist and will enslave men and corrupt them as a retaliation for the masculine energy that is out of control in modern age.

Now, with that said, as a man, I try to avoid any contact with Lilith because she is not an entity that will tolerate my sexual promiscuity with women and could actually be the initiator of the attack because she seeks punishment on my behaviour.

So again, all respect to Lilith but I pray to the universe that she never tries to retribute me and cut off my manhood someday.[/quote]
she is also a spirit of sexuality. and i dont think shed just send something to astrally rape you. try lucifer if you fear lilith

As I see it, there is nothing of resemblance to a waternymph and a fairy with a succubus and an incubus. The sexual aspect is different, especially how they approach it. They also have a different physical attribute that separates them from other spirits. Their energetical pattern is also very much different from other spirits, but it takes some practice to recognise this.

Lilith is rather a Spirit Of Equality than a spirit of sexuality, and the best way to approach her is to keep her in the middle. Never above, nor below. There’s nothing to fear from her, if you know how to approach her. Lilith and her daughters and sons, are sure experts in the field of sex- and chaos magic, but there’s a lot more than that if you dig deeper within this path.

A lot of magicians seems to have a hard time to cope with the feminine divine, because it often challenge the ego aspect of the Left Hand Path. Few are willing to sacrifice and compromise for the benefits of a long term relationship with a succubus/incubus in general and Lilith specifically, because it becomes conflictual with what the magician wants and what the magician actually needs to walk further in his/her path.

I think I see the problem here.

I would pour rock salt around the bed and that should do it. Also you can burn a black candle and absorb the fire energy and project the protective flame energy around yourself like a bubble of fire. Also since it attacked you against your will you can trap it and own that fucker like a slave if something assaults you all is fair in love and war. These spirits like many can get trapped in a mirror either accidentally or through you setting a clever trap. The easiest way is to set up two mirrors one right across from the other on either side of your bed facing inward so that the mirrors make a feedback loop between them. When the spirit arrives to attack you it gets stuck in the feedback loop and then when it’s stuck close the mirrors together. From there you can place an obsidian sphere or some other reflective sphere and place it between the mirrors. This will cause the spirit to enter the sphere and the reflective curvature of the sphere works as the holding device. The spirit is now bound against its will to the sphere the concept is similar to the Solomon brass vessel only the reflective surface is a continuation on the outside instead of the inside like the brass vessel.

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