Athame stainless steel or silver?

yeah i bought dragonblood incense because conner said that in one post. i already got frankincense.
but i also got a lot of peganum harmala seeds.
peganum harmala is a dessert herb that grows in that area. it just as a incense in the middeleast.
and you can also drink it. its used for 10.000 years as in religion rituals and as a medicine.
so i know for 100% sumerians used it as such.
so i’m also going to use syrian rue/harmala.
baal kadom said in his book that one can use any incense. and that he only used black candels.
so i going to use black and blue until in have my astral senses open. and Pazuzu tells me different. yeah throw some spell brother. pm or here :slight_smile:

Update, i tnk u are mideaster guy. So here, he likes black candles, and oleum libani, gummosa, galbano grains, dude not idea wat is tat. But the guy swear its a authentic recipe from irak. Babylonian etc., number is 107. Facing, north south east… The call to ask him a favor. Is his Statue, picture, poster etc fumigate first. U wish write in blood. And pass to incense. And wen ready. Now wait some peopls say new moon. Etc the guy say not matter,

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The call to pazuzu. Mind im not fluent in enghlish or italian. But here is, grand lord of tempests, winds, and storms, grand principe of power, of the air, and lightning, serpent phallic, Eagle,leon. And solar, listen to my peticion. And get to you hears. Then u tell him u need, and then bury paper, or put in a Terra vesel and bury whit a standing up position vasel and paper. Hope make sense. If its anything lmk. Since i have a few books. But lmk wat exactly u need.

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From Azazel himself: “Each individual weapon and shield has it’s own specific energies. The purpose of using a weapon in ritual is for it to be an extension of your own energy, so in that regard the best weapon for someone would be dirt to you. It depends on what your energy is. In general don’t buy any random tool just to have it. Buy or make one that connects with you the best.”


thats strange because baal kadom said in his book face south west,

so i dont know now… i just do the direction what is handy

Honestlt follow u instinct. Wat work for some, not work 4 others, wen i cimpare pazuzus books i see tis different stile baal kafmon use some, kendall another, tis guy from europe his own but if u see nort is gor favors, vurses, call east for money etc follow u instincts. Its u path. If have baal kadmoon. And kendall way too diferent. Not sure if tey prove seals, or talismans, for every purposes. I only see another book which provee talismans, seals. Just follow u instincts.

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You have to mine your own coal and ore, then learn smelting and metal work to make your Magickal knife/sword. Sure, that takes years, but the fucking thing will be consecrated just by your will power and perseverance making it, won’t it?

Use a steel knife. If you want, replace the handle with wood or bone. If it’s full metal then leave it as it is. Magickal weapons are props, but you’ll only understand that after you’ve used them.
