At what point do you decide enough is enough?

Is there a point where you concede and just accept that this isn’t going to work for you? I had one success and am very grateful to Eligos (sigil opening, not evocation) for helping a family member, but that’s all that has happened for me. My own life needs help and nothing seems to be working.

I think I have tried every suggestion that I have seen posted here, and still my life is a mess. I would love to see my life get better, but if I’m just spinning my wheels and going nowhere, why continue? I have even tried NAP with no success.

I know that EA offers his services, but if I could afford him, then I wouldn’t need the services.

So does this mean that I’m destined to stay in ‘loser’ status (sorry, didn’t know how else to word that)?

Hello ixchel, what I’d do is changing the focus of your problem. See I understand perfectly what you’re talking about as I come from a poor family (my father lost everything and that has been such a heavy load for me in the past).

I’d focus on what I really need at this very moment (job, house, food, work, primary things you know), and then start working on those other things wich can uplift me in life (relationships, leisure, self image). There’s a pyramid of needs, the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:


As my father didn’t teach me anything useful about life, nor to my dear brethren, I looked for answers for long time ago, and one of them was this pyramid (the other one was magick :D). So I’d try to set up a plan of developing in my life (that’s what I’ve done), and follow it keeping in mind it’ll take years (actually it took me around 10 years fully recovering from the ruin I inherited from papa)

You can use magick to get oportunities for job, house, and later relationships, for confidence. Just keep in mind, in this world things go at a slow pace. You are not a loser, you just have a very complicated life, yet when you fix it you’ll be the strongest, most respected and wisest one around man, I assure you this.

I’ve seen people with an easy life, aparently happy, aparently surrounded by love and money yes… and also getting lots of useless problems at home and in their relationships (cocaine, infidelities, depressions,…) they go way down to meet Azazel to Hell faster than both of us (magickal joke)

Love in relationships can be a bxtch (sorry for the expression, but I’m sure you all agree with me) specially if you’re poor. But the advantage you have (as I had it) is that you have the oportunity to see what it REALLY is indeed, the very heart of the matter of love. Most of it sums in = No money, no honey. So you’d do well in analyzing relationships. Of course there’s real love, but believe me that’s not widespread.

So fight ixchel, you have to overcome all of those problems you have, you’ll recover, but you gotta work some strategy out and follow the steps, just like in any ritual. And I’m sure you were directed to magick because it’s on your destiny, just like I was directed to it, and it helped me in many areas of my life

If you want to talk with me through pm you’re welcome, we can share experiencies, I can give you any tips I know. But never think of yourself as a loser, you think of yourself as a warrior in life, the more battles you fight, the wiser you’ll become

Best wishes

Have you ever looked into whether a part of you may be holding the rest of yourself back?

I recently learned, with some help, that, due to some issues regarding something I had done in the past, I was carrying guilt that was holding me back from the prosperity and wealth I desire, because the guilt was from acts I committed out of greed (and I didn’t want to be that type of person again). Until I could let that go, no wealth or prosperity magick worked for me, except for occasionally opening a sigil for some quick cash from Sala’sash.

I would recommend having a divination done, either by yourself or someone else (there are some great readers on the forum, like TWF and Musta_Krakish) regarding potential obstacles.

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[quote=“DarkestKnight, post:3, topic:4024”]Have you ever looked into whether a part of you may be holding the rest of yourself back?

I recently learned, with some help, that, due to some issues regarding something I had done in the past, I was carrying guilt that was holding me back from the prosperity and wealth I desire, because the guilt was from acts I committed out of greed (and I didn’t want to be that type of person again). Until I could let that go, no wealth or prosperity magick worked for me, except for occasionally opening a sigil for some quick cash from Sala’sash.

I would recommend having a divination done, either by yourself or someone else (there are some great readers on the forum, like TWF and Musta_Krakish) regarding potential obstacles.[/quote]

Great idea, also a natal chart so to find obstacles

My advice to you is to get your life on track on your own. If you can’t respect yourself why would a spirit do so? Get your normal life in shape and then work on magic. There are no cheat codes in life

[quote=“ixchel, post:1, topic:4024”]Is there a point where you concede and just accept that this isn’t going to work for you? I had one success and am very grateful to Eligos (sigil opening, not evocation) for helping a family member, but that’s all that has happened for me. My own life needs help and nothing seems to be working.

I think I have tried every suggestion that I have seen posted here, and still my life is a mess. I would love to see my life get better, but if I’m just spinning my wheels and going nowhere, why continue? I have even tried NAP with no success.

I know that EA offers his services, but if I could afford him, then I wouldn’t need the services.

So does this mean that I’m destined to stay in ‘loser’ status (sorry, didn’t know how else to word that)?[/quote]

What “kind of” enough?

  • Enough! Because ure astounded of a situation and nothing works?

  • Enough! Because u feel that the situation surpass your satisfaction and turns into madness?

  • Enough! Because ure not gonna tolerate that anyone tries to stop your moment to say “enough”…


Enough! because u reach the level of fullfilling no matter the topic and u need to move to another topic…

Probably the “enough” ure experiencing is the first one…

Experience the latters and later on, decide if it is “enough” :slight_smile:

Ixchel, I totally understand the sentiment. Been involved in the arts for years now (meditation, chakra work, visualisation, spellcasting, spirit summoning, sigil work etc.) and I still struggle a lot!

Michael Smith, in what way is Ixchel “not respecting themselves”? Because they’re apparently “whining” in here and asking for help? Do you know them personally? Maybe they have a job. Maybe they’re currently going to school (college, university etc.). Maybe they live on their own and are overwhelmed with bills (in addition to the rent and food they need to pay for). Maybe they’re very much in debt (college loans, credit card bills etc.)

I’m literally $31 000 in college loan debt and still looking for employment. That’s why I totally get where they’re coming from. Maybe they’re actively looking for a job and just need an extra magickal PUSH. Ain’t anything wrong with that!

Ixchel, I’d recommend working on your astral vision/psychic abilities since it’s really what fuels magick:
[url=][/url] . The Joy of Satan ain’t a good organization (Nazi stuff) but they’ve got some good meditation tips.

Yup. Unless you’re naturally gifted and just a total bad ass, we’ve all hit a wall from time to time. Most walls are created by your own neurosis. In my case, I struggle with lust for results and then guilt when something manifests. I still have a bit of that “controlling things is immoral/wrong/blah” crap in me that often hinders my work. I had one entity flat out tell me that I am my own worst enemy and if I was going to continue to self sabotage and basically derail the situations/opportunities I asked him to create for me, he wouldn’t help me again. And yeah, he is right.

Check yourself and your habits. If you’re lusting for results or dwelling on whether you did the ritual right or how things will manifest, stop. I shared this before and I suppose it bears repeating. If you’re highly obsessive and prone to negativity like me, find an aversion therapy trick to stop you from those thoughts. I wear a rubber band around my wrist and pop the hell out of myself when I start feeling down about my work not manifesting. I have some welts on my wrist and I might get funny looks but I couldn’t care less.

Hope is also another killer. We’re basically programmed to “hope for the best and prepare for the worst”. Stop that too. I’m not saying to never think about how things might go wrong but, in the context of rituals, stop hoping that things will happen. Know they will because YOU have the power and occupy your time with other things. I suggest taking up tabata. It’s hard to dwell on why Suzy isn’t dating you or that you desperately need money when you’re gasping for air and it feels like your heart will explode.

Anger and pain is also a good motivator for me. I saw tremendous progress when I reached this “I’m over this shit for real” stage. I called up an entity and basically screamed at him the entire time (much to his amusement). I wasn’t disrespectful mind you, but a loud “Fix this shit NOW!” works wonders. That was probably the first time I truly poured my emotions/desires into a ritual and the results were fantastic. I’m talking everything-I-wanted-was-done-right-down-to-the-smallest-detail fantastic. There was absolutely no question that I can (and will) change things. Sometimes you need that first success to gain some confidence. Take whatever success you had and build on that. It’s not a coincidence, you can make real change.

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You never decide it’s enough, no matter how bad it gets. You can take the magick with you into the darkest depths of your soul if need be, if you’re failing in using the art to shift your physical reality perhaps the right place to start is internally. Regardless, you don’t give up.

There’s also the problem of karma. Konstantinos said in ‘Summoning Spirits’ that an entity told him karma might get in the way of health spells, for instance. So even if Ixchel does everything right and totally avoid lust for results etc., there’s still the issue of karma. How to get around it?

I’d recommend the chanting of karma-expiating mantras and decrees.
[url=]Odaimoku "Namu Myoho Renge Kyo" - YouTube

I am a being of violet fire. I am the purity God desires.

[quote=“ixchel, post:1, topic:4024”]Is there a point where you concede and just accept that this isn’t going to work for you? I had one success and am very grateful to Eligos (sigil opening, not evocation) for helping a family member, but that’s all that has happened for me. My own life needs help and nothing seems to be working.

I think I have tried every suggestion that I have seen posted here, and still my life is a mess. I would love to see my life get better, but if I’m just spinning my wheels and going nowhere, why continue? I have even tried NAP with no success.

I know that EA offers his services, but if I could afford him, then I wouldn’t need the services.

So does this mean that I’m destined to stay in ‘loser’ status (sorry, didn’t know how else to word that)?[/quote]

I know how you feel. I’ve experienced much the same in trying to solve my own situation over the last 2 years. I don’t go with the catch-all of its down to karma, too easy to blame it all on that old chestnut which is an unprovable statement at the best of times. I’m not even sure if the personal blocks hypothesis is the full answer either. If we are contacting entities who are independent of us, who can operate outside of our concepts of space-time, then the magick should work whether we believe in it or not, assuming our technique is sound and the entity is happy to oblige. Otherwise what is the point?

Maybe the problem is one of perspective. You had a successful working for someone else, you were out of the frame, and objective, so perhaps capitalise on that success, and focus on helping others. Maybe things would workout better if another magician would help you, that way you are out of the loop so to speak.

20 years ago I was a professional agricultural Radionics operator. Radionics = Magick, forget the gizmos, it is magick. I used to specialise in the elimination of pests from crops. I did not believe or even expect the distant treatment of fields of crops via a software Radionic black box to even work most of the time, and was usually amazed with the repeated successes that I had over 100’s of acres of farmland. Yes, I did lust after results, as I needed the money from my clients to pay the bills. However, when I applied Radionics to my own life, nothing seemed to work, and I have never been able to figure out why, except perhaps it was a personal mental block of some form, i.e. a lack of perspective.

I have had similar success helping others with my magical work, but when I try it on myself, no response seemingly at all. Perhaps we all should club together a bit more and help each other out?

[quote=“Chris, post:11, topic:4024”][quote=“ixchel, post:1, topic:4024”]Is there a point where you concede and just accept that this isn’t going to work for you? I had one success and am very grateful to Eligos (sigil opening, not evocation) for helping a family member, but that’s all that has happened for me. My own life needs help and nothing seems to be working.

I think I have tried every suggestion that I have seen posted here, and still my life is a mess. I would love to see my life get better, but if I’m just spinning my wheels and going nowhere, why continue? I have even tried NAP with no success.

I know that EA offers his services, but if I could afford him, then I wouldn’t need the services.

So does this mean that I’m destined to stay in ‘loser’ status (sorry, didn’t know how else to word that)?[/quote]

I know how you feel. I’ve experienced much the same in trying to solve my own situation over the last 2 years. I don’t go with the catch-all of its down to karma, too easy to blame it all on that old chestnut which is an unprovable statement at the best of times. I’m not even sure if the personal blocks hypothesis is the full answer either. If we are contacting entities who are independent of us, who can operate outside of our concepts of space-time, then the magick should work whether we believe in it or not, assuming our technique is sound and the entity is happy to oblige. Otherwise what is the point?

Maybe the problem is one of perspective. You had a successful working for someone else, you were out of the frame, and objective, so perhaps capitalise on that success, and focus on helping others. Maybe things would workout better if another magician would help you, that way you are out of the loop so to speak.

20 years ago I was a professional agricultural Radionics operator. Radionics = Magick, forget the gizmos, it is magick. I used to specialise in the elimination of pests from crops. I did not believe or even expect the distant treatment of fields of crops via a software Radionic black box to even work most of the time, and was usually amazed with the repeated successes that I had over 100’s of acres of farmland. Yes, I did lust after results, as I needed the money from my clients to pay the bills. However, when I applied Radionics to my own life, nothing seemed to work, and I have never been able to figure out why, except perhaps it was a personal mental block of some form, i.e. a lack of perspective.

I have had similar success helping others with my magical work, but when I try it on myself, no response seemingly at all. Perhaps we all should club together a bit more and help each other out?[/quote]

That would be the best, problem is finding people who share that pov, yet when you do its worth

Thank you everyone, for your advice. MichaelSmith, you make it sound like I’m lazy and looking for a handout. I am not. I am doing my part. I have a job and work hard, but what I have is not enough for the responsibilities that I have in my life. I’m always pounding the pavement looking for better opportunities.

I don’t lust over results, I know how to let go. And I do respect myself. I just need some extra help getting over this speed bump that seems to be holding me back.

Suffering breeds character.

If you survive your tough situation, you will come out forged of iron.

This is why I laugh at so-called bloodline ‘illuminati’ of the world; A bunch of rich spoon-fed fucking pussies who’ve never experienced pain or lifted a finger in their lives.

You want it? Get it. Take it. Only then, do you graduate to the next level.

A demon of hell burns away the useless eater, and creates a God.

God’s are not born. They are forged.

This is a war.

Treat it as such.

You die, you lose. You give up? You lose. You don’t have it in you? Lose again.

Take it. Only perseverance & triumph win this game. You manifested in this Matrix reality to prove something to yourself. If you can’t do it, you will only replay the game.

Sounds to me, like you need to find your Mars and lose your Venus.

Impetus, Detachment, Focus, Stamina, Self Determination. The characters of the 4th planet. Stop smelling the roses and focus.

The Notorious B.I.G feat. Method Man - The What (With Lyrics)

^ That.

There’s a reason so many people sold their copies of the book New Avatar Power, which promised the powers of the gods for the sake of a simple exercise - it may occasionally fall into some people’s laps that easy, but most of us have to burn things off ourselves to get anywhere close.

But even back then people were waking up to what was possible, there was a hunger, and GG-C’s spirits took the first steps towards bringing that forwards for our civilisation.

Where those steps lead YOU is up to you Ixchel, only you can decide how much you want your goals and how much discouragement you’re willing to ignore to have them. :slight_smile:

[quote=“ixchel, post:1, topic:4024”]Is there a point where you concede and just accept that this isn’t going to work for you? I had one success and am very grateful to Eligos (sigil opening, not evocation) for helping a family member, but that’s all that has happened for me. My own life needs help and nothing seems to be working.

I think I have tried every suggestion that I have seen posted here, and still my life is a mess. I would love to see my life get better, but if I’m just spinning my wheels and going nowhere, why continue? I have even tried NAP with no success.

I know that EA offers his services, but if I could afford him, then I wouldn’t need the services.

So does this mean that I’m destined to stay in ‘loser’ status (sorry, didn’t know how else to word that)?[/quote]

You yourself already know what is constraining you. The trouble is you’re focusing on your problems too much. Try focusing on SOLUTIONS. And don’t try, just fucking do it.

Focus outside yourself and your problems will take a backseat. You’re looking ahead and what lies before you, not what’s behind or inside you. What you see before you is what you focus on. So what do you CHOOSE to focus on? Well what do you want/need? Start by asking questions like the last one: what do you want? How will you get there? What will empower you to take step 1? How bad do you want it? These are just some examples of fundamental questions that can lead you out of your self-created pit of darkness into a lighter better state of being. Whatever works, do it. And don’t stop doing it.