Astral travel was...semi successful?

Hey guys.

So I am currently trying astral travel techniques from Ryan Cooper and I am getting very bizarre “dreams”, since I started doing them. I also contacted Baal, in hopes that he can support me. His evokation left me with a pretty depressed feeling.

The first time I did my astral travel technique, I was in the city and talking with some random dude, who asked me if I am from southern Germany, a town called Ugarit, which isn’t even in Germany, but in Syria.

Today I had a dream of some crazy lady hunting me down and trying to kill me with a knife. I play skyrim quite frequently and I opened the map and teleported away, like you would in skyrim, but she teleported with me somehow and tried to kill me. She was a crazy psycho woman. I never had a dream of someone hunting me, nor did I watch any movies recently that depict these things.

And after I woke up I felt like someone was following me and watching me. I was a little scared, so I tapped into its energy, it felt loving and not harmful, but I was still scared because why are you following me.

I think these are just bizarre dreams, or am I successfully astral traveling? I thought astral travel was supposed to be consciously floating around, doing whatever and not dream-like. I wanted to visit Asgard, so that would be a bummer.

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Yes but really semi semi cause you got conscious just at the end of your dream that why you felt like the same energy in your dream carried itself when waking up. Next time don’t move your body or open your eyes, tryna remember what you have just dreamed

In those dreams were you totally aware that you were dreaming?

You astral travel everyday when sleeping at night but you aren’t conscious that you are in a dream.


Dreaming is the gateway to astral travel. I will say it’s the same thing but astral travel will start getting more more colorful.

If you are not fully relaxed it will appear like a dream, a little bit blurry but with time and practice it will be more clearer and you ll be able to have more control and do whatever you like


I was in my “mundane state”.

Basically I wasn’t aware I was dreaming and casually teleported around as if it’s normal to do so.

What about the crazy woman, that was hunting me? How can I kill her? And why was she chasing me?

Don’t worry about it, it comes from your subconscious, it’s just a fear you already had. Astral plane is very sensitive to your emotions, the slightest negative feeling will materialize itself very quickly and the positive feelings too…