Astral projection

I’m new to this forum so not really sure how it works but could somebody help me? The other day I tried to astral project for the first time , I have read how to do it but purposefly didn’t read much about it because I know fear is a big barrier :\ I went through the process and to my surprise I felt my soul lift off !! The excitment brought me back but I cleared my mind and done it again and felt as though I was looking down on my body however I may have been imagining it as I didn’t see it like a clear picture when my eyes were closed but more of a picture in my mind is this how its supposed to be ? Could somebody help me ?! :wink:


Sound right to me, as you gain experience and develop your clairvoyance you will see more. I have posted a thread that I think might help you out a bit here → Psychic Development for the Magician


Thanks man I’m really surprised I nearly done it first try !


That’s was fast.

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I think it may come natural :slight_smile:

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Please introduce yourself here if you have not already ,it’s one of the rules to this forum, thank you. and welcome.:grinning:

Sounds to me like your doing great so far. :thumbsup:


I know what you mean about the trolling thing I’ve seen its gotten pretty bad !! ,
I like to work in secrecy but sure ill introduce myself


We are pretty much all solitary practitioners. As far as secrecy, my own wife doesn’t know about it.


I don’t think I could handle having to live like that in my own home. I wish you best of luck.


It’s complicated.


My girlfriend doesn’t know too.
She noticed something weird but being busy with university keeps my “job” safe for now.
By the way, I’ve never been am astral traveler but I tried for 9 years, since I was 12.
And yeah, if you had a result like you desrcibed, you improve really really fast.
Keep going on


Whoa…so…you are telling me there is NO hope for a single person like myself to actually meet and marry another practitioner or have like a real long-term destined relationship …ahhhhh…hmm

I am starting to to feel this way… :frowning:

I am an introverted loner as is…totally screwed lol

Yeah…I need someone in the arts…I get too tired of trying to explain myself to others or judged who know zip about the craft.


My practice is more secretive than ever. My wife started complaining about the weird stuff happening like lights turning on and off, strange (and loud) banging from the attic after 3 am . She accuses me of “doing something” and it must be because of my “devil books”. I can’t hide my library. I am reading more and more on my kindle, but this double life is more like half a life. I fantasize about a nice temple, morning and evening rituals, incense and candles, speaking incantations, chanting, demonic enns, and mantras out loud. … Not to mention being nice and nude under ceremonial robes after a ritual bath/shower to set the tone … Not every day, but maybe for special rituals. Spiritual decorations. Sigh.

It is all so simple and pure yet so god damn out of reach. It is so frustrating I can almost cry sometimes. F’ing pathetic.

Edit: I still practice of course, but I have to be very quiet. No incense, or any paraphernalia.

That being said, don’t lose hope. My advice is to not get involved with a non-practitioner because you may wind up like me. Frustrated and a shadow of yourself.


Well…thanks4the advice! Appreciate it. I hope your situation looks up. I think we allllll deserve love and magick. :wink: on fireeee

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Hi my name is Ben I’ve been studying the occult particularly EnochIan since I was young I kind of feel that’s my path but have not experimented practically thus far… I’ve also read the goetia, books by Crowley and Mather’s. I would love to learn how to communicate with my guardian angel and also other angels to assist me in my life struggles. So that’s basically me folks.

@Rahnoren so sorry you have to live this way. My husband and I are lucky to have each other with similar beliefs and openmindedness. I hope you can find a way to be free and open with your life.

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Thank you.

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