Astral partnership etiquette

I do feel it’s bad karma to access someone’s spiritual energies without permission. I also have noticed several suicides around this person (and one homicide) so it’s more than likely a demonic being attached to him and trying to get food, who knows. Regardless I am tired of it and do not want it to continue or have anything to do with this person anymore. In any form. I do not want this person in my dreams, or anywhere near me.

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Good luck to you

Way ahead of you there, had it happen to me before as well

pl\ce a “cloak of protection” around your auric field by imagining yourself wrapped in a deep blue velvet cloak. That’s what I’ve done in the past anyway

My Astral spouse and I have a clear rule when we engage in astral sex. When we are in the process of making out and so on, whether they’re the dominant one or I am, we ask each other “Is this okay? Do you consent to this?” and so on and so on. Until we are one hundred percent sure we are consenting completely

You can also do the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram to banish their remaining energy

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what about guys like me who’s energy is particularly feminine

I actually now do the lesser banishment constantly to be rid of his energies and his presence.
It would be one thing if this was a pleasant person, he’s not. He’s extremely unpleasant and violent…focused on killing, gun lust, racism, hatred for all people that are not like him…
Essentially the WORST human you could share energies with. Angry paranoid, I believe he is even kill programming others.

We are talking about a real creep that I do NOT want around me in any way shape or form. The fact that he is accessing people’s astral bodies and raping them is just BEYOND.

Do these creeps not think people have spiritual family which watches over them? Unbelievable.
I mean, you are playing in someone else’s sandbox here…:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

On the subject of Belial…ACCURATE.

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Something similar but not nearly as bad by far happened to me. This girl who narcissistically abused me a while back always used to dream walk me to either vampyrise me and or have sex with me. When i liked her it was sort of consenting the sex part but after i figured out she was narcissistically abusing me in real life and didnt intend on being with me and she saw me as an object to get energy from and manipulate, i called her out as a narc and she stopped contacting me and going anywhere i would be or around anyone we both knew. After this i kept waking up drained a lot and couldnt figure it out because i cant remember my dreams well, but one night as i was about to go to sleep i noticed her astral body in my room. So i summoned 4 demons to attack her and began to vampyrise her astral body. ive cursed her at least 3 times now, she literally only lives to abuse and manipulate others especially those that have empathy and kind hearts. I have had absolutely no problems since. I would advise praying to your higher self telling it you do not consent to this. You can ask demons to protect you in your sleep or evoke one before bed. I think most importantly you are going to want to cut all your etheric cords and do it everytime this happens. You probably want to end any spiritual contracts you dont want either as you can consent to things unknowingly. You might of been with this person in a past life so thats why they were originally attracted to you, of course they could just be a creepy abuser who targeted you for some other sick reason.
I know from experience peoples higher selves can agree to have sex astrally without the person knowing, i dont understand this at all though.

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I’ve had to resort to similar measures for a variety of people. Baneful magic is survival magic.

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can u please start a private chat with me :slight_smile:

Abaddon has a strong and comprehensive warding ritual that will shield/ward your home on different levels. That will stop him and others from entering your home.

You need to sever all energy connections between him and you, and you need to stop him from living rent free in your head.

If you still experience harassment and astral rape in the meantime, while you’re in the process of forgetting him and what he did to you, then maybe try something like binding his astral form, if possible, and seek help/protection from a being like Lilith. Also I think there’s a spirit in the KoF grimoire that protects the astral traveller from harm.