Is it possible to use psychic tendrils and making them hands I can send out like psychic tendrils but not attached to me to hurt someone’s energy flow crushing it with that hand in theory it should work I tried it but I had no fysical relation from the person Is intend or emotional state effecting it and if it’s possible how to do it better?
Yeah they’re vampiric tendrils, some person have them naturally, some can develop them or can ask a vampiric deity to teach them.
What is the best way to develop psychic tendrils without feeding because I know that have it’s down sides I don’t mind downsides but these down sides are not fun that’s why I want to use it for different things because I have no interest in feeding because of the down sides
Ask to a vampire god to help you develop them. Some vampire spirits: Lamashtu, Lilith, Valefor…
Why? Astral travel is also possible without a god needing to learn you what makes astral tendrils any different?
You asked to know the fastest way, don’t you?
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