I think it was in Questing After Visions that EA describes the feeling of coming back to suddenly.
As a Sensation of “getting hit” by an “electric thing” ( and yes thats the technical term) in the Manipūra Chakra.
I tryed to utilize the Wake/Sleep border to experience and use the TGS but after a while i drifted into sleep. Still “locked” on a location i saw it clearly and lost consciousness.
My Question is: How is it posible to use that? To regain memory form the Travel or strengthen the conection… Given it was a Travel.
I had the “Electric experience” the second time I projected by accident. I was asleep and realized I was floating above my body, which caused me to panic and get jammed back into my body. rather unpleasant. keep in mind I have never consciously projected.
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The electric feeling is usually felt by beginners. It can be used as a signal to get up and move around once felt. To train yourself to remember dreams and different shifts in awareness, the most common useful method is a simple dream journal. It creates more a habit to recall that strengthens with repeated use.
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