Astral and etheric blood transfusion

Astral- and etheric blood transfusion comes to mind. I’ve experienced something like that with Lilith, as well as transformation. Ah, the power that came to surface was amazing! Every senses was enhanced by tenfold.

I wouldn’t call it “vampiric”, though. It’s something way beyond the abilities of a common vampire.


Was Lilith’ s blood like actual blood? Lucifers was like golden liquid power. I’m fascinated by the whole thing really because you certainly do feel the power or change. I can’t really compare it to anything but you know exactly what I’m talking about!

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When I experienced this, my left heel was stabbed with a thick needle-like “tool” and a hose was attached there. After that preperation, Lilith’s blood was injected through my heel.

A lot of my experiences is very graphical, since I feel energies and spirits on a physical level. It often leaves a visual residue, too. Medical tools are often used when they heal me, as well as when they work on my ascent and astral transformation.

If I didn’t know of my experiences, it could easily been mistaken as an “alien abduction”.


That’s interesting. Mine is through the bite , once on the neck and I bit him back. The others were in the middle of my chest.

But lots of it takes place sexually too. I think it’s because that’s where my energy lies and also where I hold onto pain. I’ve never seen an actual “tool” but he shapeshifts so much I really don’t know. It’s not like human sex when that happens, it’s much more intimate.


The transformation aspect is similar to working with clay, forming and shaping demonic body parts. Once the appropriate parts are made, they remove the human parts with a saw and attach the demon part with heat, thread and a needle, and the final touch is to remove the stitches with more heat. This was repeated in three stages, and each stage was refined by a powerful demon. My succubus spouse laid the foundation, Lilith made improvements and Samael/Lucifer finalized it.

But this started with my succubus spouse taking a huge bite at the back of my head and a dark mass of energy went inside. And my left eye were removed and a lot of energy sipped out from my socket.


Ok this makes so much sense because one time King Paimon and Azazel came right after. Azazel watched and King Paimon was sexual. Samael - if you believe he is the black serpent which I’m inclined to - was gliding across me the whole time. So there really are “stages.” And Lucifer held my head in his hands as it happened .

The bite I suffered bled and locusts fed on it, clearing it out of my body.


It seems to be a rare experience, and few black magicians have shared these kind of things. Or maybe their abilities is too limited to feel the actual changes, like we seems to do?

The actual powers that occurred was, for me, rapid eye movement, rapid and twirly tongue movement, controllable feathered wings, contained and enhanced energy within and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

I covered my succubus spouse with my wings, and she got a litte bothered by that, because she didn’t expect me to control it so quickly. :stuck_out_tongue:


I agree it’s rare or maybe they’re just not open to being " molded?" I trust Lucifer fully because he’s proven to be gentle and thorough with no unpleasant surprises. Building that relationship first was important . Or picking it back up in my case since we’ve been attached for many lifetimes.

For me, I’m an open portal for visitors. The goetics come and go as they please. Also, I can be in two places at once - fully functional in the physical but can detach my astral self and be elsewhere and functional there too. I think this ties into Lucifer telling me I’m always home and this life is an illusion- because I can literally pull out and be there anytime. The more I do it though, the more I’m dissatisfied with the here and now mundane :persevere:


This happens to me as well. I can take a smoke under the kitchen fan and all of a sudden, my ladies are dressing me up with formal clothes, putting a crown on my head. The air thickens and sparkles around me, feeling hands all over my body and clapping hands close to my ears. These kind of things happens in my bed, too. Being fully awake and aware, I sink deep into the bed and the matress is wrapping itself around me.

When I close my eyes, I move at different directions. Up, down, forward, sideways. I get carried around on circular steps by Lilith, too.

This is what a highly developed clairsentience ability can do, and I would never trade it with the other abilities. No fucking way!


This :point_up: :point_up: has been happening ALOT. I do the same, I go outside to smoke and its like a different dimension. Sparkly and calm and like the world went to sleep. White fog and rain? But clear, are in my peripheral vision from time to time. And it feels like my astral self is fighting with my physical self trying to get back home.


This is an interesting discussion that is slightly off-topic to the thread it was within, so I think it deserves its own thread, I’ve made it inside General because it’s not entirely about Baneful magick (of which vampiraism is a sub-category) but @AradiaX & @succupedia, you can move/rename it if you want of course. :+1:


Thank you for splitting it and sorry we got off track! :grinning:

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Not at all, it’s great stuff, this is why all forums come with “split topic” functions as standard! :+1:


I never fight it. Try to put your focus and attention to the experience. Take a deep breathe, the moment you put your cigarett in your mouth. Inhale and exhale, and your experience get enhanced a little more.

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I’ll try that!

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The more you focus, while closing your eyes, the more contained the energy becomes. In my case, the energy is contained within my Crown Chakra, which feels like a wintercap or a headband is wrapped around my head. It also feels like hands are caressing my hair endlessly. That’s my focuspoint.

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I too have have experiences with this in a nocturnal demonic vampyric working where the astral / energetic blood of lilith was passed into me through my body and through liquid, even had Kali Give her breast milk in the same ritual, using those liquids creates a potent alchemical effect of transformation, but into what depends on the source.


I need help and to figure out what I’m going through. I have astral projected before in the past about 3 years ago and again recently unintentionally. I have a hard time doing it tho, I get to the point of vibration which is very intense so much so that I can feel it for several days at a time throughout the day, but I’m not seeming to finish and astral project. Do you know what’s stopping me?

Did you freak out at any point when it happened? that seems to affect people sometimes, it happens without intending and they panic, and then find they cannot do it again. Just curious. :thinking:

Also, please check your messages, green icon, top right - you have mail! :+1:


The second you start focusing too hard your brain kicks in and pulls you back to reality. As in, the mundane. Try to just FEEL. Whatever you see when you’re floating around, don’t focus on any one thing too hard. Bathe in the experience.